On this episode I talk about how I try and see light in the darkest of times. It is often a lonely and scary place to be when we are going through a dark time of our lives. It can be difficult or impossible to come out of that dark place. We can forget, loss is grief and grief has many stages and manifests differently for each person. We also forget that grief is not just the loss of someone human or pet (which is a very difficult time and I am not undermining this) but it is any significant loss to us, anything that has an impact on our lives, the loss of a relationship, a job, a failed exam etc. Loss comes in many formations to our lives, as does the way those losses impact us.
Losing your health means losing independence, the life we once had, the dreams, aspirations and future plans, that is a huge thing to deal with. Working through the grief cycle is different for everyone, and is not linear. We can go in and out of this cycle for a very long time, there is no right or wrong way to deal with loss.
I talk around, trying to see light through the darkness and owning all of our feelings while trying not to stay in the darkness for too long. I personally feel, we learn from everything in life including the most challenging times of our lives, when nothing seems to make sense. It is ok to not be ok, to reach out for help. I have put some support links in the show notes. I hope you can see light in the darkness and know every storm is followed by a rainbow. As always, thank you for listening to the podcast and take care.
https://www.samaritans.orgĀ - Samaritans call 116 123 - United for global mental health - Five stages of grief by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler
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