In the darkest depths of the Underdark, there exists an alien race of creatures straight out of a Lovecraft novel. With horrific tentacles and a hunger for brains, they plot and manipulate for The Grand Design - the ultimate goal of rebuilding their lost empire. Make yourself comfortable as we explore the origins of this alien culture, and some of the lesser known facts about their strange society.
If you enjoy my work, please feel free to check out my new website! You can also follow me on social media @StiehlVA to see more of my work.
Art for the show was created by @NatArtisticWeeb on Twitter, with music by Faefield Productions.
Welcome to the finale of our October special! Nothing could be more fitting to end Halloween on, than the history of one of the greatest villains ever created for Dungeons and Dragons - Strahd, the first vampire, the Count of Barovia.
Art for this show was created by @NatArtisticWeeb on twitter,...
Published 10/31/24
Terrifying creatures exist within the many planes of Dungeons and Dragons, but what do you do when you enter a little known plane of existence, and find yourself trapped there, because something has taken your place?
Art for this show was created by @NatArtisticWeeb on Twitter, with music by...
Published 10/24/24