Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show What are your money stories that hold the keys to unlocking your financial freedom? Not just the awesome stories, about doubling your income in 3 months…but the stories that seemingly speak to failure around money; like debt, or a bad investment. What if those stories are actually unearthing your suppressed capacities for wealth creation? Join us this Wednesday as we turn your money tragic to money magic ! ~ More About Love, Life & All Things...
Published 03/06/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Our bodies are always talking. You listening? What story is your body trying to tell you? In this show we will be diving into the stories we tell about our bodies and the stories our bodies our trying to tell about us. If you desire more communion and ease with your body, join us this week as we dive into this juicy topic. Suzanne's Special Offer: Body Love, Judgment Free https://www.theweirdacademy.com/​store/m2op4XAV Coupon Code: FREE (for $77...
Published 02/27/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Is it time to unlock your magical gifts that live underneath hidden trauma and shame? Join us this Wednesday as we lovingly bring attention to those childhood slivers that if left untouched, fester, get infected, and cause pain, but when lanced with love and unpacked with presence and non-judgment…heal through time…and in truth… turn into your magic. Join us as we share our stories of trauma that led to triumph. Suzanne will share for the first...
Published 02/20/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show In our magical dream-time with Papa and the unconditionally loving Waitaha tribe of New Zealand, you often found all of us sitting around Papa listening to his stories of the tribe and the ancient Giants who roamed that sacred land. Every one of us shared our stories too; of the trauma of our childhoods, shameful secrets finally shared in the safety of our group, and the family ancestry that has shaped all of us. Coming home from this experience, I...
Published 02/13/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show The last week Megan and I spent 6 nights in Dreamtime with the Waitaha tribe ; an ancient matriarchal tribe that has no history of violence and the most incredible unconditional love you can feel in your bones the minute you step into their Marae(communal sacred space) What we experienced ...was an incredible healing of our mother wound. Almost everyone on this planet has some form of a wound that is associated with “Mother” This directly impacts...
Published 02/06/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show What if you could hone your internal compass, get in touch with your true desires and navigate life with LESS worry, more ease and flow? Join us this episode as we deconstruct intuition and give you 5 + fun and effective tools for jumpstarting your intuition. Intuition may be the most overlooked tool for creating an epic life. Do yourself a favor and join us for a magical conversation about intuition from magical New Zealand! ~ More About Love,...
Published 01/23/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Most of us live day to day in a state of reacting to our environment; reacting to the unforeseen bill that comes in the mail, being at the effect of traffic, or responding defensively to a partner's mood swings. But, what would be different in your life if you came from a place of leadership? What if you were proactively leading your life, choosing more, and navigating the unforeseen energies seamlessly. Wouldn't that create a life you could fall...
Published 01/09/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show The word flourish means to thrive or to be in a vigorous state. What if 2019 is your year to flourish? What would it take to make the quantum shift into flourishing? Like for realsies, not just a little, or in only one area of your life… but to really commit and choose that thriving is your mandate! Join us this Wednesday as we explore what it requires to truly step into a reality that is overflowing in every way. ~ More About Love, Life & All...
Published 01/02/19
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show He’s back… Bill and his Bowls. We’ve had so many of you reach out to tell us about the phenomenal experiences you had on last weeks show with Bill and his magical Tibetan bowls. We are bringing him back for a deeper dive into what is possible when you transmute the heavier frequencies into the vibrations that allow you to play in the quantum field of creation! We will be exploring and transmuting the deadly trifecta of shame fear and guilt, the...
Published 12/19/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Did you know that everything in your life is there because it is resonate with the frequencies you are emitting? So if you want something different than what is occurring right now you have to change your vibration. Well, here at Love, Life and All Things Weird we aim to please. What if it’s time to upset the apple cart of your current reality, change your vibration, and bring something new into your life… Join us this week as we mess with your...
Published 12/12/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show When meditation, energy work, questions and pod and poc-ing are not shifting the energy, it's time to sound it out. Did you know that if you listen to a gong for 11 minutes it dissipates all thought? Did you also know that it is thought that creates suffering, not what happens but what we think about it that determines how it feels? So anything that can get us out of our head and into a different space where we can perceive our awareness and create...
Published 12/05/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Have you been chasing your tail trying to find the deeper meaning of life and why you are here? How’s that going? Maybe it’s time to stop that nonsense now? (haha) See, we’ve been yakking about this topic off and on for years and what we find is that people over-complicate it, make it wayyyy too significant, and generally f****r themselves all up about the whole idea ...which really prevents any new information from coming in. Join us this week as...
Published 11/28/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show We’ve all had those moments in life that stand out as the most joyous, freeing, expansive; those split seconds that change our life in some way…from winning the game to witnessing a gorgeous sunset. These are magic moments because they point us in the direction of our divinity, our highest aspects. When we harness these moments, the energy, and really hone in on who you were BEING in that moment …you can tap, open and strengthen more; more potency,...
Published 11/21/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show One of our favorite things is traveling the world and tapping the magic of each environment. We ask questions then follow the energy and what unfolds is pure magic. We are forever changed. What if travel wasn’t just a luxury? What it the lands are asking for your physical presence to gift to you and to sense its connection to you? What if you could change your life and the world simply by traveling? My (Megan) current definition of wealth is having...
Published 11/07/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Weird: Of or pertaining to supernatural powers.; the ability to control or change one's destiny. Also meaning to come or become. Have you always felt a little or a lot different? Boy do we have good news for you. For much of my life I’ve been flying my freak flag and cheering on everyone who will listen to do the same. Suzanne and I have been in conversations and the creation of a platform for the magical weird ones for quite some. Why well were...
Published 10/31/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Last week we talked about the 5 key shift moves from shadow to essence…and we got so carried away that we only put 3 in the bag…so to speak. :) This week we’re continuing the conversation (so if you missed last week please do yourselves a favor and head straight to the archives and download the show)… You won’t want to miss this show as we unveil Megan’s two all-time favorite shift moves. They're actually fun...and they work. ~ More About Love,...
Published 10/24/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Hey, let’s get real; we all get mired in our s**t from time to time…and wow do we ever want to wallow in it; really believing the fear, the stories, and our limitations. With a combined 28 years of coaching experience, we really want you to know we get it; we’ve seen it all. And we know that there’s always a way through, especially when it feels impossible. In this show, we share with you our Top 5 tools to take you from shadow to shiny, from...
Published 10/17/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show In this episode of Love, Life and All Things Weird, we’re taking Don Miguel Ruiz’ work in the Four Agreements a step further, past “Don’t Take Anything Personally”. We assert that when you run into those people and situations who trigger you, piss you off; those places where you have a tendency to not only take it personally but to actually energetically separate and pass judgment, the REAL work goes beyond not taking it personally… into the realm...
Published 10/10/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Life can be messy, Right? The experience of humanness includes a lot of lower vibration energies that we deal with on the daily; fear, sadness, shame, collective cosmic energies, and strategies and defenses we created from a wounded place. This week we dive deep into the shadow and authentically address what it takes to truly move through these lower vibration energies and claim our essence of joy, love, and authenticity! ~ More About Love, Life...
Published 10/03/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show So you’ve put in the time and work to bring your idea into gestation and give birth to the baby..and now it’s time to claim it, bond and show it off to the world. This is sometimes the scariest process. Will people like your baby; will they get it? Will they sign up for the workshop? Or buy your art? Or actually pay money to read your book? For as intense as the birthing process is, post birth (bonding) can create the most fear, and worry about...
Published 09/26/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show You have conceived and incubated your creation idea and have now been gestating it and now its time to birth that baby. What does it truly take to birth a creation into the world? And how do you do it in a way that contributes to your life instead of something you sacrifice for? And most importantly of all how do you find YOUR way to create? Join this Wednesday at 10MST us as we explore and open up to whole new ways and space of creation. ~ More...
Published 09/19/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show What idea would you like to bring into the world? Last week we launched our creation series with talk and tools about the conception phase of creation. We’re excited to continue the series this week with the often-overlooked phase of gestation. When we conceive of bringing something new into the world we often get so excited to make it happen that we don’t allow the idea to grow and develop fully. Just as the gestation of a baby in the womb is ever...
Published 09/12/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Do you ever go to create something; a workshop, an art or craft, an online tele-call, perhaps a short story…and you get stuck in the process? Either overwhelmed at the front end, or second guessing yourself and your idea midway through or judging yourself on the back end because it didn’t live up to the expectations you didn’t even know you had? If this feels all too familiar, please drop in for this free resource; a series of radio shows on one of...
Published 09/05/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show What’s “real"? What’s hidden? What is so fantastical you cannot imagine it being real? What are the fantasies that are killing your future? What are the futures that are available to you now? Every time I talk to this woman my life expands. Join us this Wednesday with our special guest Lisa Murray for a playful exploration of the alchemy that creates both the present and the future. Lisa Murray is a map-maker of futures, an idea curator, a nurturer...
Published 08/29/18
Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Join Suzanne as she comes to the airwaves in a radically different fashion, solo, intent to share her journey of addiction (to people and relationships as the source of her wholeness). Listen in as she candidly talks about the last 15 months of navigating an open relationship and her quest to overcome co-dependency once and for all. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything...
Published 08/22/18