“Folks listen, anyone or any organization that continually promotes the Enneagram as a test is leading you down something other than what the Enneagram is. This podcast has some good jewels. However, leading to a test and scores is so off the mark of the Enneagram and its journey. There is no test! As the Matrix says, “there is no spoon!” The Enneagram is a journey. Taking a test at its best is maybe (heavy on maybe) a start. For that, there is a free app that can at the very least set ground work. Do yourself a favor. Drop this podcast. Start learning the Enneagram and let the Enneagram take you on your journey of revealing truths to you. After you get a handle then maybe pick this back up. So lesson? Leads you to a test and scores...RUN! Leads you through a scared journey of learning and finding yourself go! Wish this podcast would learn that the Enneagram is more than a test and is a scared tool to find not only who we are but also not. Run folks run. Come back later when you know more and understand the Enneagram past a paid for test. You simply do not need a test!”
MoJoJules via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·