Could be good but...
Folks listen, anyone or any organization that continually promotes the Enneagram as a test is leading you down something other than what the Enneagram is. This podcast has some good jewels. However, leading to a test and scores is so off the mark of the Enneagram and its journey. There is no test! As the Matrix says, “there is no spoon!” The Enneagram is a journey. Taking a test at its best is maybe (heavy on maybe) a start. For that, there is a free app that can at the very least set ground work. Do yourself a favor. Drop this podcast. Start learning the Enneagram and let the Enneagram take you on your journey of revealing truths to you. After you get a handle then maybe pick this back up. So lesson? Leads you to a test and scores...RUN! Leads you through a scared journey of learning and finding yourself go! Wish this podcast would learn that the Enneagram is more than a test and is a scared tool to find not only who we are but also not. Run folks run. Come back later when you know more and understand the Enneagram past a paid for test. You simply do not need a test!
MoJoJules via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/05/18
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This podcast about the enneagram has been and continues to be super helpful to me.
djwdavis via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/02/18
This podcast has helped me so much in my journey to find my own self. I’ve always struggled to put words to my feelings and didn’t realize how important it is to be able to do that. This podcast has been so insightful and constructive in my efforts to recognize my unhealthy patterns and move...Read full review »
Jaci Blue via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/17/19
This podcast is so good and informative. It has helped in my journey of self discovery and moving forward in growth while facing wounds of the past.
NellyRandle via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/31/18
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