It is tragic for parents when a child blocks them from communicating with their child. How can you deal with this? Although you cannot control the situation, you can control your attitude. Begin with acceptance of the situation. Then, think of what you could do, if anything, to improve the situation. Finally, learn to feel empathy for your child - this episode gives ideas on how to do that, drawn from an excellent article at this website:
Feeling empathy for your child can reduce your pain, and lead to greater understanding on your part.
The Grand Finale! This final episode presents a summary of the topics and takeaways from all of the episodes of the Loving Parenting podcast. Each topic is referenced to a particular episode number, so that you can easily find and listen to the episode that discusses that topic in more...
Published 11/06/22
What if you've followed all the good advice that you've gotten from this podcast and from counselors that you've consulted, and you still don't see any improvement in your relationship with your child? You might feel that your efforts are futile, but consider this: Your child might actually feel...
Published 11/06/22