Amravati is an enchanting, ancient city in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is renowned for its grandiose monuments, temples and historical sites, such as the Ambadevi Temple. Every year, thousands of devotees from all over India flock to this sacred temple to offer their prayers and seek blessings. This story revolves around a family visiting Amravati only to discover their beloved son has gone missing. Despite frantically searching for him everywhere, there is no sign of him. Will they...
Published 03/05/23
Bhishma is an iconic figure in Hindu mythology, renowned for his exceptional celibate character and his role as the 8th Gangaputra of Hastinapur. Born on earth with a curse from a wise man that he could never die until he willed it, Bhishma was the son of King Shantanu and Ganga, and is renowned for his unwavering loyalty to his father and kingdom. Does Bhishma sacrifice his entire life in the struggle for what's right? To know about his struggles, listen to our full audio episode to learn...
Published 03/03/23
The power of a mantra lies in its ability to activate the energy within our body to create a deep and meaningful connection to the divine. Studies have shown that the use of mantras can be incredibly effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, offering a profound sense of inner peace and joy. Chanting a mantra can open up a doorway to a deeper connection to the divine, making it a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. But what is the science behind...
Published 02/26/23
Shantanu, a legendary king in Indian mythology, is a shining example of true love. He had to overcome numerous obstacles in order to marry Satyavati, the daughter of a fisherman. One of the most difficult conditions placed upon him was to agree to give his kingdom to Satyavati's sons instead of his own. Devvrat, a brave and noble prince, was willing to make any sacrifice for the sake of his family. When Devvrat found out about this condition, he made an incredible sacrifice so that Shantanu...
Published 02/24/23
After being separated from his beloved wife Ganga, Shantanu had to live alone, until one day he encountered a young boy who displayed an incredibly sharp and intelligent mind. Intrigued, Shantanu wanted to learn more about the boy and was shocked when Ganga informed him that the child was actually their son, Devvrat. Following this, Shantanu began living with Devvrat, and soon thereafter he met an amazing woman by the name of Satyavati, with whom he instantly felt a connection. Determined to...
Published 02/17/23
The story of King Shantanu and his wife Ganga is an epic tale of love, sacrifice, and the power of destiny. Set in the ancient city of Hastinapur (a part of Meerut) the story of Shantanu and Ganga is an example of true devotion. Despite their deep love and commitment, they had to make the ultimate sacrifice of their seven children, who were all drowned in the river Ganga. When Shantanu asked Ganga why she was sacrificing their children, her answer left him perplexed and questioning the...
Published 02/10/23