“This is such a great show. I’m a newer listener to KFC, but have been following barstool for some time. I’m really impressed with the question Kevin asks out of life. He doesn’t seem like he’s content to stay where he’s at. The episode on depression really hit me. It was right when I pulled the cord and decided to take ketamine. I had been sexually assaulted at a fraternity party in college and living in a fog for about a decade. Grief/shame/everything stole my life. Hearing someone, a man actually talk about these issues was powerful. Usually it’s always women. I’m happy to hear men like you, KFC (sry idk how these reviews work, who will get them) opening up an avenue for more vulnerability to be shared. That’s cool and so powerful. I don’t know if you can even fathom what you’re doing here. Thank you for fostering this environment.”
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United States of America ·