This guidance recommends what to do when a direct would get negative feedback but it's not yet time for it in the Trinity Rollout Process.
Published 02/01/19
This guidance recommends giving negative feedback only after a second instance, and only ON the second instance.
Published 02/01/19
This cast concludes our conversation on some situations where feedback isn't appropriate, because the error/mistake/infraction is so egregious, encouragement of effective future behavior isn't enough.
Published 02/01/19
This cast describes some situations where feedback isn't appropriate, because the error/mistake/infraction is so egregious, encouragement of effective future behavior isn't enough.
Published 02/01/19
What to do when people are on their phones/laptops during meetings, or doing anything else counterproductive to the meeting.
Published 02/01/19
Our guidance on how long to wait before giving negative feedback to a direct.
Published 02/01/19
It's okay to tell your directs how you feel (within professional limits) when giving them feedback.
Published 02/01/19
Our recommendations on what to do when you are feeling angry with your direct.
Published 02/01/19
This cast concludes our guidance on what to do and why when directs want to describe why they did what they did when you have given them negative feedback.
Published 02/01/19
This cast contains our guidance on what to do and why when directs want to describe why they did what they did when you have given them negative feedback.
Published 02/01/19
Part 2 of our guidance on how to document the performance of your directs and your communications with them.
Published 02/01/19
Our guidance for how to document the performance of your directs and your communications with them.
Published 02/01/19
What do we do when we've tried giving negative feedback but it doesn't seem to be working? We've given repeated instances of feedback, and yet we don't see a change in a direct's behavior?
Published 02/01/19
This cast describes how to give negative feedback in an escalating way, over time, to improve performance.
Published 02/01/19
This guidance disagrees with the old notion of praise in public, criticize in private, and recommends more effective behaviors.
Published 02/01/19
In this cast, we share what do effective managers do when a direct disagrees with the feedback you give them.
Published 02/01/19
Part 2 of our guidance on what to do if your direct keeps saying no when you ask if they're open to feedback.
Published 02/01/19
Part 1 of our guidance on what to do if your direct keeps saying no when you ask if they're open to feedback.
Published 02/01/19
This guidance describes whether or not to give feedback in public, or in private . . . or neither.
Published 02/01/19
This cast describes WHEN to give feedback. How fast is too fast? How slow is too slow?
Published 02/01/19
This cast describes behaviors for managers to engage in to ensure that they deliver feedback ethically and professionally.
Published 02/01/19
We've gotten a great many questions, comments, and kudos for our show in July on the Feedback Model. Many listeners are discovering the power of feedback, of taking it out of the realm of the rare and into the stream of the every day. Not to sound repetitive, but most managers see feedback as akin to holding their breath - waiting as long as possible, and then creating a lot of sound and often fury. The Feedback Model tells us to see feedback like breathing - so regular as to become unnoticed.
Published 02/01/19
In this podcast, Mike and Mark share a technique managers can use to give feedback to their team members.
Published 02/01/19
In this podcast, Mike and Mark share a technique managers can use to give feedback to their team members.
Published 02/01/19
In this podcast, Mike and Mark share a technique managers can use to give feedback to their team members.
Published 02/01/19