“Marriage, Kids and Money is an incredibly refreshing source for personal growth that I have discovered this past year. Tai Lopez, Ray Dalia, and Tony Robbins have been my other Go-To’s recently. Marriage, Kids and Money focuses on personal finance, which is a vague term for surviving in a society that teaches you nothing about money, resources, and pragmatic survival skills. Finance is number #1.
Like most people who depended on traditional education routes – grade school, college, and even mass media such as newspapers – I hit trap after trap after trap in my post college years until I started to turn to unconventional sources like ‘Marriage’.
The education system is a joke. College a scam, mostly. Personal finance is just one of several ways the education system cheats most Americans. We live in a capitalist society that depends on money for everything. You need a significant amount of money to live any semblance of a life.
And like Thoreau said, “Most men live lives of quiet desperation…”, I strongly believe that I’m doomed to a life of desperation unless I have enough money to support a family. Enough money to do nice things. And enough money to live with shelter, food and family through the next economic downturn.
That all starts with personal finance. Saving, owning, earning side incomes, and avoiding borrowing – these are all things that Andy Hill promotes and explains with his own real life examples, as well as interviews with experts.
Hill is a person of solid integrity, healthy habits, proven success and a lack of fear when it comes to exploring the true approaches, answers and methods that are used to create a breathable financial existence. The existence that we have all seen from the rare family that practices good finance, but that was always “one day” or “in the future” for us.
Check it out. And message him on Facebook. He is friendly and active on social media.”
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