Seeking forgiveness of Allah in Ramadan
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{ فَقُلۡتُ اسۡتَغۡفِرُوۡا رَبَّکُمۡ ؕ  اِنَّہٗ کَانَ غَفَّارًا ۙ (10) یُّرۡسِلِ السَّمَآءَ عَلَیۡکُمۡ مِّدۡرَارًا ۙ (11) وَّیُمۡدِدۡکُمۡ بِاَمۡوَالٍ وَّبَنِیۡنَ وَیَجۡعَلۡ لَّکُمۡ جَنّٰتٍ وَّیَجۡعَلۡ لَّکُمۡ اَنۡہٰرًا ؕ (12) } [Surah Nûh: 10-12]
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How Ibrahim and his family showed us the path of ultimate submission to Allah.
Published 06/19/24
Published 06/19/24
{ وَاِذِ ابۡتَلٰۤی اِبۡرٰہٖمَ رَبُّہٗ بِکَلِمٰتٍ فَاَتَمَّہُنَّ ؕ قَالَ اِنِّیۡ جَاعِلُکَ لِلنَّاسِ اِمَامًا ؕ قَالَ وَمِنۡ ذُرِّیَّتِیۡ ؕ قَالَ لَا یَنَالُ عَہۡدِی الظّٰلِمِیۡنَ } [Surah Al-Baqarah: 124]
Published 05/31/24