What can we do in the final moments of Ramadan?
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{ اِنَّاۤ اَنۡزَلۡنٰہُ فِیۡ لَیۡلَۃِ الۡقَدۡرِ ۚۖ (1) وَمَاۤ اَدۡرٰىکَ مَا لَیۡلَۃُ الۡقَدۡرِ ؕ (2) لَیۡلَۃُ الۡقَدۡرِ ۬ۙ  خَیۡرٌ مِّنۡ اَلۡفِ شَہۡرٍ ؕؔ (3) تَنَزَّلُ الۡمَلٰٓئِکَۃُ وَالرُّوۡحُ فِیۡہَا بِاِذۡنِ رَبِّہِمۡ ۚ  مِنۡ کُلِّ اَمۡرٍ ۙۛ (4) سَلٰمٌ ۟ۛ  ہِیَ حَتّٰی مَطۡلَعِ الۡفَجۡرِ ٪ (5) } [Surah Al-Qadr: 1-5]
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How Ibrahim and his family showed us the path of ultimate submission to Allah.
Published 06/19/24
Published 06/19/24
{ وَاِذِ ابۡتَلٰۤی اِبۡرٰہٖمَ رَبُّہٗ بِکَلِمٰتٍ فَاَتَمَّہُنَّ ؕ قَالَ اِنِّیۡ جَاعِلُکَ لِلنَّاسِ اِمَامًا ؕ قَالَ وَمِنۡ ذُرِّیَّتِیۡ ؕ قَالَ لَا یَنَالُ عَہۡدِی الظّٰلِمِیۡنَ } [Surah Al-Baqarah: 124]
Published 05/31/24