Remaining in Jesus is not a one month thing; it is an eternal commitment However, I challenge us this month to slow down to spend time with Elohim. I believe He will replenish us with His presence and word to produce much fruit in the near future. Many of us are settled into our new season but don’t have the roadmap of what’s next. Knowing what’s next is not the first priority in this month. The priority is letting the Gardner water our souls and spirits to be who He made us to be and...
Published 04/06/24
When we have gone through pain, failure, suffering, or humiliation we can quickly forget that Jesus paid for us to be at peace, joyful and free. This sounds easier said than done when you’re looking at it from your humanity instead of looking at the cross. These blessings are gifts to us from Jesus and all we need to do is embrace them and believe His word trumps whatever we may see in the natural or have faced in the past. You can also ask the Holy Spirit to help you embrace these gifts if...
Published 03/30/24
I don’t know how He did it but He did it, will be your testimony. As I reflect on this first quarter, I am humbled and grateful by God’s Sovereignty and grace. We our finite beings… we don’t always know what tomorrow will bring. One day you can be full of life and the next full of pain. But one thing is for certain: Nothing can change what Jesus did on that cross. We can choose to believe that what He did is greater than what we will ever face in this life. We can choose peace in the midst of...
Published 03/23/24
One way of denying ourselves is repenting and resting daily. God tells His people this in Isaiah 30:15 and we can apply it in our lives today. I don’t know what is on your mind or what you have endured as of late; but I do know God has already handled what you couldn’t. Christ already made way for you to attain God’s promises. I’m praying you would slow down this weekend and allow God’a truth to bring rest to your soul.// meditated scriptures: Isaiah 30:15 & 2 Corinthians 1:20.// if you’d...
Published 03/16/24
I thank God for going before us this month and the ways He’s already begun to encourage us. This month I believe we should challenge ourselves to be still in His presence and wait for Him to act. We’re all going through something in particular and it’s my prayer as you deny yourself and wait on God, you’ll see that you’re not alone, He’s with you. Let’s acknowledge Him like never before. // meditated scriptures Proverbs 3:6, Psalm 37:7, Habakkuk 2:1-2.// if you’d like to support this podcast...
Published 03/09/24
Embracing the new is not always easy even when we want to. For many this is not just a new month, it’s a new season, and for some, a new life. It’s embarking in spaces you’ve never known and being introduced to a version of yourself God always knew. We cannot march in the new without God. Let’s cling to Him and keep our gaze ahead. Let’s let go of the former things and let God unfold this new chapter of our lives. // meditated scriptures: Isaiah 40:31, Philippians 4:12-14, Isaiah 45:3.// if...
Published 03/02/24
Today Mastering Singlehood & Relationships Podcast celebrates 6 years and we want to encourage you to keep trusting God. We thank God for keeping us and we pray you have been blessed by this podcast over the years. Let’s be encouraged by God’s word to keep trusting Him this year with our lives. // Meditated scriptures Jeremiah 17:7 & Psalm 32:10.// If you’d like to support this podcast and our ministry, you’re welcome to give via:  CashApp: $JLPNetwork  PayPal:...
Published 02/24/24
He is the God who sees and cares for the well being of His people. He is the God who even shows the unbeliever His ways so they would follow it. I’m telling you, what looks big in front of you, is no match for God. The hope deferred nor the lies of the enemy can keep God from blessing you. I’m believing with you in faith God will grant you a double portion instead of shame this year. You will not have to fight for this double portion. You will just need to rest in God and thank Him for it as...
Published 02/17/24
Are you feeling unmotivated? Defeated? Restless? Weary? Do you feel as though you hit a hard wall and can’t seem to get over a hard season? This episode is for you. Press play to hear more! // Meditated scriptures: Romans 8:38-39, 1 John 3:20, Ephesians 2:6, Colossians 3:2 -4// If you’d like to support this podcast and our ministry, you’re welcome to give via:  CashApp: $JLPNetwork  PayPal: PayPal.me/JLPNetwork Website: jlpnetwork.com PS: Did you know we offer Singles and Relationship...
Published 02/10/24
We declare over you on tonight’s episode, “Morning is Coming.” God is bigger than the mountain in front of you. Whether it be a mountain of weariness, disappointment, lack or uncertainty. With God, there is always hope even when things look hopeless. That long night is not forever, morning is coming. Let this truth encourage you and help you to push forward, as you navigate this new month. // Meditated scriptures: Psalm 30:5 & Joel 2:25 //If you’d like to support this podcast and our...
Published 02/03/24
On today’s episode I had the pleasure to chat with ShaRondra Axon, on how to live free after life felt like death. This episode will comfort your soul and remind you of this truth: God is with you and already made way for your healing and freedom before you found yourself in the valley or the pit. We believe with God, the right counsel, community and environment, your best days are not behind you. God’s good plan for your life is ongoing as long as their is breath in your lungs. // If you’d...
Published 01/27/24
On tonight’s episode let’s meditate on Psalm 89:21-22 and believe for breakthrough together. God is able, let’s continue to place our trust in Him! // If you’d like to support this podcast and our ministry, you’re welcome to give via:  CashApp: $JLPNetwork  PayPal: PayPal.me/JLPNetwork Website: jlpnetwork.com PS: Did you know we offer Singles and Relationship consultations? If you’ve been listening to our podcast over the years and have been blessed by our content and want to book a...
Published 01/20/24
Pursuing what’s eternal is what Jesus came to model for us to do also. The Bible reveals to us we should make the most of our time and resources using them to build God’s kingdom. What we do for God matters more than chasing after worldly things. Even wealth, when chased without using it to store eternal treasures, can become a snare to us and can cause us to lose sight of what matters most. Which is delighting in things that are pleasing to God. This episode is to encourage you not to forget...
Published 01/13/24
We thank God for blessing us for crossing over into 2024. On today’s episode, we’re meditating on Psalm 24 and Romans 6:13-14. I’m praying this year would be the year we draw closer to God and live in the fullness of His purpose for our lives. Press play to hear more! //If you’d like to support this podcast and our ministry, you’re welcome to give via:  CashApp: $JLPNetwork  PayPal: PayPal.me/JLPNetwork Website: jlpnetwork.com PS: Did you know we offer Singles and Relationship...
Published 01/06/24
We’d love for you to join our 2023 Mastering Singlehood & Relationships Conference. This year’s theme and keynote message is: “ Kingdom Relationships: Friendships, Families & Marriages God’s Way Leads to Real Relationships” This conference is not just about you as a single or future married couple, it’s about your future descendants too. What you do today affects them more than you know. I want you to be the difference and the reason they can have a brighter future despite this...
Published 12/30/23
“And she gave birth to her first born, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. (Luke 2:7).” During this advent season let’s meditate on Luke 2 which depicts the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus’s birth like His death and resurrection holds much truth and wisdom that not only points us closer to Him but also encourage us to become all God created us to be. This is one of the reasons He came to earth. He...
Published 12/23/23
God doesn’t let His people obey Him in vain. And as His people, we must reach a point were we say yes to God, yes to obeying Him & taking steps of faith to please Him and do His will, no matter the cost. My question to you this day and as you close out 2023 to embark 2024: Will you obey God even when it cost you everything? If you need some encouragement in your faith walk, press play to hear more. // Meditated scriptures: 2 Samuel 6:16-23, 1 Samuel 15:22, Galatians 6:9.// Additional...
Published 12/16/23
Something Supernatural is about to happen. Pray!!!!!!! Now!!!!!? For everyone you know! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/masteringsinglehood/support
Published 10/24/23
Press play to hear more! // Meditated scriptures Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28, Ephesians 3:20. Stay blessed & encouraged! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/masteringsinglehood/support
Published 10/21/23
This is an exclusive episode in which I share with the leading of the Holy Spirit, the word He gave me by grace, for 2023, 2024, and how they’re connected to what’s happening in the Middle East- especially regarding the war between Israel & Palestine. As a reminder, the victory has already been won! God did not give us a new message. This has been Christ’s completed work on the cross. You can stand firm in faith! He did not lie, all His words are coming to pass! Lift up your heads. you,...
Published 10/14/23
Let’s be encouraged by God’s word and the Holy Spirit on tonight’s episode. Meditated scriptures// Proverbs 7:2-3; John 14:27 ( suggested reading, Matthew 6). // If you’d like to support this podcast and our ministry, you’re welcome to give via:  CashApp: $JLPNetwork  PayPal: PayPal.me/JLPNetwork Website: jlpnetwork.com PS: Did you know we offer Singles and Relationship consultations? If you’ve been listening to our podcast over the years and have been blessed by our content and want to...
Published 10/07/23
As we’re getting ready to enter the 4Q of 2023, it is critical for us to not allow the enemy nor our flesh cause us to forget God’s word and God’s promises. Often it is not that we forget about them but that we have allowed the absence of certain things to have our attention than keeping our attention on God’s faithfulness. The devil will try to use any means to deter your focus at this time, to forfeit you from receiving what God has ordained for you to receive before this year comes to an...
Published 09/30/23
It won't be long now. May God find you faithful. September 12, 2023 as I was between sleep and awake God in His loving kindness spoke this word, “it’s time for the manifestation of the promise(s)! I pray this episode ignites your faith to trust God until the end of 2023. For those of you who walked by faith and lived by faith this year , you will see His mighty hand do what He said He would do. Praise Him in advance!!! Get ready, it won’t be long now! Praise God! //Meditated verse Exodus...
Published 09/23/23
God is doing something special this season. I believe Isaiah 65:24 is strongly in effect from now until the end of the year. Let me boost your faith so you tap in to this grace. // Meditated Scriptures: Isaiah 65:24. Genesis 24:14-15; Job 22:28-29. // If you’d like to support this podcast and our ministry, you’re welcome to give via:  CashApp: $JLPNetwork  PayPal: PayPal.me/JLPNetwork Website: jlpnetwork.com PS: Did you know we offer Singles and Relationship consultations? If you’ve been...
Published 09/16/23
In Part 2 we continue to share further insights and key factors that enhances our discerning of God’s voice and as well role of patience in receiving God’s input on matters which concerns us and whatever God desire for us to know. // Meditated scripture: Numbers 12:6-8. In addition to continued reflection on last week’s scriptures. ( additional suggested reading, Numbers 22-24 and whole of chapter Numbers 12, for more context). // If you’d like to support this podcast and our ministry, you’re...
Published 09/09/23