Great insights into soil carbon
Published 03/01/17
Great insights in to family farming
Published 03/01/17
Gabe speaks about ranching using very few inputs.
Published 03/01/17
Joy lives in western QLD and talks about life on a family farm, using KLR and her passion health and fitness. Find out more www.offthetracktraining.com.au
Published 03/01/17
In this podcast Grahame Rees discusses the Mongol Derby, a horse race over 1,000 km. Will rode in this race and crossed the finish line equal 1st.
Published 10/05/16
Matt Barnes discusses his work working with ranching grazing animals and living with natural predators using natural herding Instincts
Published 10/05/16
Each year KLR Marketing runs an open interview updating the latest information about KLR and how it is working in the current climate and markets. Anna Tickle was the host for the 2015 telecall.
Published 09/18/15
Rick Cameron shares his experience livestock farming on the South Island of New Zealand since the 1970's
Published 05/26/15
Lucy shares her vast experience in business and the 7 pillars of business success
Published 05/09/15
The late Bruce Ward was considered a great educator of Holistic Management. He enjoyed a close relationship with Allan Savory and was technically brilliant. Bruce Ward had transformed his work as an educator online. This became a valuable resource for his clients. More about Bruce http://holisticresults.pixelalchemy.com.au/
Published 08/06/14
In this audio Jim,Rod and Grahame share the story of KLR and how livestock producers can make a difference to their bottom line.Also there are 5 producers sharing their experience.
Published 07/04/14
By any definition of the word, Tony's life has been an amazing experience.Whilst some would liken it to a roller coaster ride, He succintly puts it as "having climbed the stairs to heaven and walked the halls of hell".
Published 06/24/14
This call features several Mastermind members using KLR for sheep
Published 06/24/14
Joy shares how people even in isolated areas can still maintain fitness and health during this podcast.
Published 02/01/14
In this current era of information overload, it is easy to become distracted by factors that take our focus away from what is truly important: knowledge of fundamentals and the foundations of your operation. Anyone who has done any work with me recently would have seen me use the analogy of building a house. The question is ‘Where do we start with building?’ and the answer is the foundations. Once the foundations are solid we can then add layers to these foundations, brick by brick. ...
Published 01/12/14
Listen as 5 people share their experience - getting started in the livestock business and how they now run a profitable business.
Published 01/12/14
In this episode Kit shares his wealth of knowledge in the cattle breeding industry.
Published 01/12/14
Terry McCosker was our guest this month on the KLR teleconference.
Published 12/12/13
This discussion is 5 people sharing how KLR works for them.
Published 08/22/13
Tim discusses current interest rates and approach to lenders.
Published 08/05/13
Jim’s experience includes over 20 years of beef-forage systems research and outreach while on the faculty of the University of Missouri, as well as 20 years of commercial cattle and sheep production on their family farm in northern Missouri. The University of Missouri - Forage Systems Research Center rose to national prominence as a result of his research leadership. His research encompassed many aspects of plant-soil-animal interactions and provides foundation for many of the basic...
Published 05/15/13
Fourth generation Wyoming rancher, Charley Orchard, developed what has become known as the Land EKG® Monitoring System, a land health monitoring, management information, and reporting system. Since 1994, he has worked with ranchers across the US, Canada, Australia, and South Pacific, helping thousands track land health, improve management skills, and decision making. Charley's background, experience, and education enable him to address many land issues and concerns. His business, Land EKG...
Published 03/06/13
Robyn Pulman is a city-slicker turned 'bush-babe' for love of the land and a man. Author of 'Habits Aren't Just For Nuns', Robyn has invested the last 12 years studying the power of habits in our life. Now living on a cattle station in far western Qld, she is turning her attention to outback wisdom for the city slicker and is developing a Leadership Program - The Corporate Whisperer - use a swag of stockman's know-how to lead, motivate and manage your teams
Published 03/06/13
John Whitfeld began farming after school in 1972 on his family livestock and grain growing properties then located the northwest slopes and plains of NSW. Since the late 1970’s John has been the lessor of grazing and cropping land and run livestock on land owned by others. This alerted John to business opportunities associated with the separation of land ownership from the production enterprise.
Published 10/31/12
Terry McCosker from RCS shares how nutrition and water influences animal production.
Published 08/28/12