Colloquium Mathematical Philosophy, Barbara Vetter (Berlin) gives a talk at the MCMP Colloquium (25 April, 2013) titled "How to be a Dispositionalist about Modality". Abstract: In recent years, metaphysicians have become increasingly attracted to the idea that modality is grounded in, or that modal statements are made true by, the dispositions of concrete objects. Some attempts have been made to formulate the view and to respond to objections. Objections typically come in the form of specific counter-examples to the view. I will raise and answer a different and, I believe, more fundamental kind of objection which has so far been neglected: the objection that dispositionalist views of modality get the logic of modality wrong. Possibilities, for instance, are closed under logical implication; but it is far from obvious that dispositions are too. (A glass, by being disposed to break, need not be disposed to be such that I am sitting or not sitting.) To answer the challenge, the metaphysics and logical behaviour of dispositions needs to be spelled out in much more detail. Answering the objection thus provides us with a deeper understanding of dispositionalism about modality.
Dietmar Zaefferer (LMU) gives a talk at the MCMP Colloquium (15 May, 2014) titled "Do Modus Ponens and Tollens Really Leak? Remarks from a Linguistic Semanticist". Abstract: Despite considerable progress in formal logic and semantics conditional constructions continue to be a hotly debated topic....
Published 04/19/19
Timothy Bays (Notre Dame) gives a talk at the Workshop on ”Putnam's Model-Theoretic Arguments" (May 23, 2013) titled "Putnam and the Multiverse".
Published 04/19/19
Benjamin Smart (Birmingham) gives a talk at the MCMP Colloquium (10 January, 2013) titled "The Metaphysics of Lazy Worlds". Abstract: Although it is not uncommon for philosophers to put the fundamental laws to one side and discuss, say, causal interactions concerning macroscopic objects like...
Published 04/19/19