“If I wrote this review six months ago, it would undoubtedly be five stars. Unfortunately I was once easily the best podcast for the MCU has just gone that little bit too far and is now a caricature of what it once was. Listening back on their back catalogue, it was easily the best podcast for this genre. funny, insightful a joy to listen to, it was like going to the pub with your friends and having a good old chat. The hosts had great chemistry, would often go off track with wildly humorous conversations, and yet there was touching and deep revelations about themselves which made you think they truly cared about the project, and were honest about their own struggles and life stories. The problems I have with this podcast now is that it has become a cash cow for the presenters. I don’t blame them for doing this as all things evolve and they deserve everything they get for the amount of work and effort they have put into it, but now the whole thing seems to be about making money and pleasing the people who are paying them as opposed to producing the best possible podcast for all of the listeners. It’s almost as if all the listeners and people who supported them at the start are meaningless, unless they are also patron people who pay for the pleasure of interacting with them. This has also led to them trying to hard to be the characters that they once portrayed so easily, and the chemistry between them feels forced now as opposed to naturally rolling in the earlier episodes. Because of the payment side of things it feels more like this is a job for the presenters now which is really disappointing as I loved sitting there listening to their podcast on a regular basis whilst driving around with Work. I hope they find their way back to where they were originally which was a more inclusive open and relaxing experience as opposed to the “pay to play” environment which they portray at the moment.”
Loki's Helmet. via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·