In March 2022 at the 94th annual academy awards, Will Smith got upset with Chris Rock by when he (Chris) made a "GI Jane 2" joke about his (Will) wife Jada. Will Smith was laughing at first until he saw the facial expression of his wife who was not pleased with all about the joke. At that time Will went on stage and assaulted/smacked Chris Rock in front of the entire world. Questions to ask are: Was Will Smith Wrong?Did this leave a blemish on Will Smiths' Career on one of the most important...
Published 04/03/22
Superbowl 2022 weekend the fellas and I just doing our normal annual Orlando trip as we have done in the past. It's a great opportunity for us to fellowship, hang out, laugh, smoke cigars, drink and little and just practice "Men Self Care".  Think about the term "Men Self Care" for a second...as a man are you getting that? WE ALL NEED IT! Life is stressful enough with the day-to-day challenges we face. It's always nice to be able to get away from time to time and reconnect with your dear...
Published 02/26/22
What is an Audible?  An audible is when a change is made from the original plan. In life, we should have the ability to adapt or change a plan on the fly if needed. For you football fans out there – when a QB comes to the line of scrimmage to run a play, he looks at the defensive and may or may not call an audible if he needs to change the play. This gives the QB a chance to be successful and either set his team up for another series of downs or a touchdown. Audibles can be called with...
Published 02/06/22
In this podcast, I am joined with my dear friend Tanisha Harris as we discuss the subject "Iceberg Success". Well simply put...the “Iceberg Theory of Success” helps us to realize that every famous or extraordinary successful person had to invest a lot of effort and work until this person achieved his/her goals. We only see the top layer or the final result. But it takes much more than just showing up or using your words in order to be successful. In order to be successful, it takes hard...
Published 01/24/22
Let’s Talk about Relationships. This has a significant impact on American culture. Relationships drive a billion-dollar retail industry (holidays, birthdays – and the big one Valentine’s Day). But are relationships a necessity or a Luxury? Well, listen as JD, VirgoBlu, Big E, and myself (Bazz) discuss the differences between each two. We talk about the necessities in a relationship such as: IntimacyRomanceFriendship – The MOST importantTransparencyBeing Fully Present We also discuss luxuries...
Published 01/02/22
Listen in as Joe Dilla (JD) and myself (Bazz) - speak on the subject of "Marry Before You Carry" The data doesn't lie... Over the last few decades, marriage has been a declining institution among all Americans and this decline is even more evident in the Black community. In 2019 only 30% of African Americans were married compared to 48% of all Americans. Half or 50% of African Americans have never been married compared to 34% of all...
Published 11/21/21
Shortly after my mom passed on Oct 30, 2019, I lost my dad almost exactly 8 months later on July 29, 2020.  He is missed and loved by many! My father was an honorable man of principle and he created a legacy for our family by changing our last name from Wallace to Shabazz. He was a husband, father, brother, son, cousin, uncle, and friend. He also was a minister with the Nation of Islam and a proud army veteran.  I invite you to listen in on this podcast as we capture some of the memorable...
Published 09/30/21
The Real Truth Behind Your SMV (Sexual Market Place Value). When you go to an auto dealer to purchase a car – what are some of the features you look for when researching?  Most people look for the Year, make, model, mileage, performance, comfort, features, maintenance frequency, etc. You have the sales price, then you have the bluebook value. Well...we do the same thing when it comes to people. We all have an SMV, but most of us don't understand what that really is. So I employ you to listen...
Published 09/22/21
In this world we live in everyone has a value. Some people place value on their career, items, experiences but not the same value on family. In this podcast, I ask my guests the million-dollar question "Is Your Price Tag Too High?"  The responses are very interesting. So listen in as my guests (Eric, Mika, Boz, Kim, and LaTonia) share their views on relationships, a value of a person, and do modern women know how the value of a traditional man? Bazz
Published 08/14/21
What is it? – Critical Race Theory is an academic concept that’s more than 40 years old.  The core idea is that race is a social construct and that racism is not just a product of individual bias or prejudice, but is also systemic and embedded in our legal, political, economic, and sociological society that states patterns of racism are ingrained in all of these modern institutions. In other words, It is a framework Listen as we (Abdul, Kyla, James, BJ, Tory, and Bazz) answer the...
Published 07/26/21
First Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. In a study done by – psychcentral.com in 2019 on 36 children on the effects of parental rejection (lack of love) on their child. All 36 studies reported the same conclusion. Children who felt rejected/unloved by their parents were...
Published 07/10/21
Legally just because you marry someone does not mean you have any legal rights to the child immediately upon that marriage… You can provide for them.Feed them.Clothe them.Love them as your own.Provide Health and Dental Coverage, even life insurance.But even with all that said - you do not have the same rights as the biological parent. You’re a second-class parent, but providing first-class benefits. Is that fair?  Parents deal with: Behavioral problemsConflictsAttitudesChallenges with...
Published 07/08/21
Children are a blessing. They bring joy, love, value, and even education to our lives. We want to give them the best, we want them to not make the same mistakes we did growing up. So, we try to help them navigate life – helping them learn along the way. In some cases, they make us much better parents and people in general. Now on the other hand some children – not most but some can be disrespectful, ungrateful, entitled, and even narcissistic.  They exemplify behaviors such as: Talking back...
Published 06/03/21
This is the final episode of the Men of Fire Series - Part 3: What's Your Motivation To Keep Us Happy? This episode is also in video format on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/4YA836lNepc In the beginning, we focus so much of our attention on the person we are dating/married to that we can sometimes make you lose focus of ourselves. Then, on the other hand, certain life events take place that can make you lose sight of your other half as well.  Hey, I get it – life happens, but when we get off...
Published 05/25/21
This is Part 2 of 3 of our Men of Fire Series titled: Defining a High-Value Man Most women want a good quality man, but does that include the traits of an HVM? Everyone's opinion is different and could be quite subjective. Nevertheless, we (Latonia, Big Boz, and Bazz) discuss in this podcast just that.  So check out some of the traits we researched online (www.lovequestcoaching.com ) and see if any of those apply to you.  MSO figured to be considered an HVM, they should have at least 9 out...
Published 05/05/21
Welcome to part one of a three-part series titled - Men on Fire: What Am I Asking A Man To do? This episode is also on YouTube - https://youtu.be/UUdICdnI_PI Ladies think about that for a second. Men are considered to be the priest, protectors, and providers of the home. If he is doing all of this, what more do you want out of him? So my questions for the men are: Are you being asked to go above and beyond for your family? Do they even appreciate what you do? Do you sometimes go without, so...
Published 04/28/21
Shining In The Background
Published 03/31/21
Sex, Sandwiches and Slience
Published 03/15/21
Why Do People Cheat In Relationships
Published 02/27/21
What You "Think" You Control In Your Relationship
Published 02/14/21
Challenges of 2020
Published 01/29/21
Transparency and Forgiveness
Published 01/03/21
The Love Bomb
Published 12/24/20
Loving Someone Shouldn't Hurt
Published 11/16/20
Why Is Voting Important For African-Americans?
Published 11/01/20