How To Topple A System & Change The World - Lessons From A Nalgene Water Bottle - Acts 16-18
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What a wind undermining the sand granules under a water bottle until it tips has to teach you about how to change the world. Foundational undermining and the sudden gradual shift. Sapping, strategic digging under wall in medieval castles and bulwarks until collapse. In Jeremiah's prophetic call, plucking up breaking down destroying and overthrowing prededed building and planting. Yeshua taught that a person must be emptied before they can be filled. Applies individually, social, politically, and corporately. Succumbing to temptation until sudden collapse. Izzy's crisis in how we gather. End of the gladiatorial sports. How Yeshua flipped the Roman Empire. The grassroots movement that broke the power of Roman Catholicism. Abolition of slavery. How to take down abortion not through political process, legislation, the courts, and mass media campaigns, through invididual relationships and transformation. Dissolution of Communism in Russia. Back to Jerusalem movement in China, pest strategy of operating as ants, termites, grasshoppers, worms, and frogs. Chinese web traffic to