Story - Admin Leaps Wall Into Adventure, Ex-Wizard And Apostle Clash - Acts 8
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True story of an administrator jumping a cultural barrier and starting a revolution, and a clash between an ex-wizard and apostle. Crises, trouble, and opposition can be your best friends if responded to correctly, force you to grow, break out, change. Don't pigeonhole people. You're bigger than your job. The adventure is over the wall. People are watchers and followers. Our mission is to get people watching and following Yeshua. We have a hard time receiving something for free. Pray for yourself. Yeshua is the Messiah, proved by the healing of paraglegics and quadriplegics. Yeshua's message is for all ethnicities, religions, socioeconomic stati, does your life declare that? Quandary of receiving the Ruach. Ask, believe, obey. Why Catholic apostolic succession is false.