Story - Diverse Community Develops Creative Solution Instead Of Folding - Acts 6
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True story of diverse multilingual Yeshua community developing creative solution with consensus support instead of splintering. From Acts of the Apostles, chapter 6. Imagine a country with no welfare system, pension plans, and life insurance. Plight of widows. Care of widows in the Torah and the early Yeshua movement. Negative spindoctors. Relate to needs not being met, marginalization as a minority, specializing in strenths, delegating tasks, new job. Embracing diversity. Growth pains and psychological preparation for it. Engaging instead of walking away when your needs aren't being met. Knowing each other, doing life together as community. Survival, maintenance, and growth mindsets. Need for administrators and fulltime prayer and Bible guys. Difference between the apostle Paul and most men. Yeshua not mentioned explicitly. He leads through leaders. He calls men to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Honoured when his people hang together.