The Dim Age w/ Vin Armani | Liberty, Myth, Magic, Psychedelics, Religion, and Mysticism
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Vin Armani joins me today to talk about why we have reentered an age of magic and mysticism he calls "The Dim Age". we get into stories, myth, magic, religion, psychedelics, crypto, liberty, and what libertarians are missing, culture, the hero's journey, and so much more. You're going to love it. Vin is a philosopher, serial tech entrepreneur, and CryptoSavage. In addition to being an author and speaker, he has made his living as a television star, film producer, high-end male escort, software developer,
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Published 07/26/22
Published 07/26/22
Adam is a doctoral candidate in Anthropology and Communications at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Catalonia, focusing on Medical Anthropology and Cultural Psychiatry. He is an active member of the Medical Anthropology Research Center (MARC) and has spent close to 5 years living and working in...
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