CEO of The Miners: 1000 Branches in 5 Years, Egor Reveals Success Secrets & Ambitions in Mike:ON
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Welcome to my podcast, Mike:ON, where I focus on marketing, technology, and trends that shape the world around us. Egor Kolpakov is one of the founders of the Miners brand - a coffee shop chain aiming to be the largest in Europe. In this podcast episode, we discussed their journey from a small and cozy cafe in Holešovice, Prague to international expansion and future plans. We also delved into the secrets of a successful coffee shop, why they specialize in coffee, unlike their competitors, and the similarities between the Miners and WeWork. Let us know in the comments how you like the Mike:ON podcast who you would like to see in future episodes, and don't hesitate to share your opinions on the topics discussed! We appreciate your feedback and support! Powered with love by Etnetera Motion.
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Published 10/17/24
Vítám vás v mém podcastu Mike:ON, kde se věnuji marketingu, technologiím a trendům, které hýbou světem kolem nás. Powered by Etnetera Motion. V této epizodě mám tu čest přivítat Rasťu Kiavčina, marketingového stratéga se zaměřením na sociální sítě. Rasťo je zakladatelem vzdělávací komunity...
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