Inside the Mind of a Marketing Strategist: Mark Pollard on AI, Strategy, and Overcoming Pain Points
Welcome to the new episode of Mike:ON Podcast, where marketing, technology, and trends that shape the world converge. No Paywall, Just Hype.
In this episode, we're thrilled to have Mark Pollard, a renowned marketing strategist and author. Mark is best known for his book "Strategy Is Your Words," which delves into the transformative power of language in strategic thinking and problem-solving. He runs the strategy community called Sweathead, through which he has educated thousands globally, including teams at top-tier companies like Pinterest, Meta, Twitter, The Wall Street Journal, and EA Games.
Today, we dive deep with Mark into the art of strategic language and its impact on marketing. We'll explore how words shape strategies, the nuances of effective communication, and the future of marketing in a rapidly changing digital landscape. Mark, with his extensive experience and unique perspective, provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities within the industry.
Let us know in the comments how you like the Mike:ON podcast who you would like to see in future episodes, and don't hesitate to share your opinions on the topics discussed! We appreciate your feedback and support!
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Speciál Mike:ON Podcastu přímo z centra dění eventu Influcon, plný nabitých talks o influencer marketingu, spoluprácích se značkami, behind the scenes českého influ businessu a mnohem víc 🔥 hosté ze strany agentur, influencerů i značek, jako je L’Oreál, P&G nebo Meta 👋🏼
No Paywall. Just...
Published 10/17/24
Vítám vás v mém podcastu Mike:ON, kde se věnuji marketingu, technologiím a trendům, které hýbou světem kolem nás. Powered by Etnetera Motion.
V této epizodě mám tu čest přivítat Rasťu Kiavčina, marketingového stratéga se zaměřením na sociální sítě. Rasťo je zakladatelem vzdělávací komunity...
Published 08/29/24