Major General Andrew Jackson
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Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of the United States.  He had the fourth highest rank of all the presidents, below Washington, Eisenhower, and Grant.  He is also considered to be the nation's ninth greatest president, after Lincoln, FDR, Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, and Truman.  Therefore, he is the second greatest warrior-president in US History, after only George Washington, himself. Andrew Jackson's military career began in the War of 1812.  First, he defeated Chief Red Eagle of the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.  Then, he defeated Sir Pakenham of the British at the Battle of New Orleans.  Even though the war was over at this point, Jackson delivered Britain one of its greatest defeats in history, while only suffering 21 casualties.  In the Seminole War that followed soon after, Andrew Jackson captured Spanish Florida and became its territorial governor, thereby founding the state of Florida, which is currently America's fourth most powerful state. Andrew Jackson's personal life was a tough one.  "Old Hickory" got into 103 duels.  He famously defeated Charles Dickinson, thought by many to be the nation's greatest dueler, despite being shot two inches from the heart.  In the Senate Chamber, Jackson also sat next to Thomas Hart Benton, the man who had shot him repeatedly while he lay on the floor in a hotel in Nashville in a fight a few years earlier.  While president, he beat his would-be assassin with his own cane until his aides apprehended him.  Lastly, at his funeral, his pet parrot had to be removed because it was swearing too much (a skill taught to it by Andrew Jackson, himself). This episode only covers Andrew Jackson's life up to his presidency. For more information, read: The American Presidents by David Whitney Military Blunders by Geoffrey Regan Kaplan AP US Government Princeton Review AP US History Military History Podcast is sponsored by Armchair General Magazine
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