Our guest today is Sarah Al Agroobi an Emirati artist, founder of The Letters Projects, a space for people to anonymously voice hard truths in the region and she is also the co-curator of Banat Collective. We get to know more about Sarah in this episode before we jump into today's topic of "How People Define You".
You can find Sarah at:
Instagram: @thelettersproject @sarahalagroobi
Finyal Media:
Instagram: @Finyalmedia
Twitter: @Finyalmedia
We are back with Maryam Ghouth, who tells stories about different facets of the human experience in the form of immersive audio recordings and poetry films. We explore the topic of "How Does What You Create Reflect You?" and how we as creators can be more self aware while creating in order to...
Published 10/28/20
Our guest this week for the finale episode of Millennial Mirrors Season 3 is storyteller and shadow integrator Maryam Ghouth, who tells stories about different facets of the human experience in the form of immersive audio recordings and poetry films.
Maryam Ghouth:
Instagram: @maryamghouth
Published 10/25/20