NEWS ON 12/19
After a bumpy 2023, there are high expectations for China's economic recovery in 2024. In the wake of the agenda-setting Central Economic Work Conference, our reporter Timothy Pope sat down with Bruce Pang, Chief Economist at the global real estate services company JLL Greater China, to get his take on how the country's challenges can be met.
中国经济经历了持续承压的2023后,人们对2024年中国经济复苏寄予厚望。在定基调的中央经济工作会议之后,我们的记者Timothy Pope与全球知名房地产咨询机构仲量联行大中华区首席经济学家庞溟交谈,了解中国如何应对挑战。
How important is this year's Central Economic Work Conference in really setting the tone for 2024?
Yes, in term of the external environment, actually a recent data shows the potential risk of slowdown in global economy as well as in many macro economies. The softening external demand actually isn't completely favorable has posed challenges for China's growth momentum and is worthy to be addressed and responded to in the top-level meeting. And domestic wise, the market expected some progress policies to complement and bear fruits, which have not yet been effectively translated into near term growth due to the constrained policy transmission and business confidence.
And economy’s indeed facing some structural issues together with local governments’ debt risk, distress in the housing market, etc. So a fairly supportive measures have proven mostly beneficial, raising some pressures on authorities to roll out more stimulus. My opinion is that work conference reaffirms the importance and lays a concrete foundations of stabilizing the expectations and setting up confidence.
You talked about effective transmission of policy. How much new policy and how much new stimulus is the economy going to need?
First, there will be supportive measures at all front and pragmatic strategies to revive recovery and to reengine grows for China together with solid progress in high quality development. The second step, the policymakers pledge to boost domestic demands and store the business confidence to take steps to reorient the economy towards household consumptions and market oriented allocation of resources. And the third one is that the central governments not only recognize the achievement and momentum of China's economy, also identify some specific issues and a few factors and challenges to tackle.
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