“滴滴出行”司机劫杀女乘客事件 EP97
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又是一件令人伤心的事情,希望这样的事情不要发生。希望大家每天开开心心出门,平平安安回家。 【文稿试读】 【知识点①】 【核心单词】叫车软件:the car-booking app, the car-hailing app 【知识精析】 book   vt. 预订,预约 What can we book? We can book a ticket, a room, a table, etc.. e.g. Jessica is the general manger’s secretary. It’s her job to book the tickets, the room for the manager. 【拓展】在APP上叫车:to book a ride on an app e.g. Jessica is used to booking a ride on an app during the rush hours, which saves her a lot of money and some time as well. hail  vt. |heɪl| 对...打招呼;挥手拦下... to hail a cab, a taxi, etc.. e.g. During the rush hours, it is hard, if not impossible, to hail a taxi, especially on raining days. app   n. |æp| (abbreviation for application) 应用程序 【注意】发音,中国人很喜欢念字母,a-p-p,其实歪果仁都是念词儿,|æp| e.g. Jessica's, or many other girls’, favorite apps must be the photo-retouching ones. What are your favorite and frequently-used apps? Feel free to share with us on our WeChat official account at iTalk-Ben. 【关注微信平台:iTalk-Ben获得完整文稿】
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Published 05/11/18
Published 05/11/18