Marvels by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross! Within the Marvel Universe, heroes soar high in the skies, ready to battle the villains who threaten their world. Yet living in the shadow of these extraordinary icons are ordinary men and women who view the ?MARVELS? with a mixture of fear, disbelief, envy and admiration. Among them is Phil Sheldon, a New York City photojournalist who has dedicated his career to covering the exploits of the Marvels and their effect on humankind. Join the crew, Patrick, Joe and Alessandro, as they discuss Marvels on... the Mobius Couch!
Meanwhile in the next episode: Saga of the Swamp Thing!
The Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore with Stephen Bissette and John Totleben! Book One begins with the story "The Anatomy Lesson," a haunting origin story that reshapes Swamp Thing mythology with terrifying revelations that begin a journey of discovery and adventure that will take him across...
Published 11/05/24
The Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore with Stephen Bissette and John Totleben! Book One begins with the story "The Anatomy Lesson," a haunting origin story that reshapes Swamp Thing mythology with terrifying revelations that begin a journey of discovery and adventure that will take him across...
Published 10/15/24