How to raise healthy + adventurous eaters with dietician Nicole Silber of FoodieKid
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In this episode I pick the brain of the lovely Nicole Silber, registered pediatric dietician and nutritionist behind the new game-changing baby and kid food brand, FoodieKid. Nicole shares her tips for getting kids to eat well - her number one tip is to relax a little (phew) - and how not to forget about your own health in the process. You will learn about hydration training (yes it's a thing), how kids can have herbs and spices too (you know I LOVE that mantra) and how FoodieKid is helping parents cook for their kids (and themselves) in a more effortless and nutritious way. Nicole runs her own private practice in NYC and teaches Tiny Tasters Workshop series. My health and vitality seems to be very interconnected with how well and joyfully my kids eat and if that's the case for you, I know you will love the show. You can learn more Nicole and FoodieKid at and