What Is Acupuncture Anyway?! With Dr. Shari Auth, Founder of WTHN
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Acupuncture has been around for centuries but still evokes a 'this is woo woo' reaction from many. It turns out that the science is catching up to this ancient practice and even institutions like Harvard Medical School recognize it's utility as a healing tool.  In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Shari Auth to help demystify acupuncture and herbal medicine for us. And if you're in the NYC area, I HIGHLY recommend getting a session with her at her beautiful new spa WTHN. I felt completely rejuvenated after my treatment!  Sought after by clients from around the world, Dr. Shari Auth, has been a leading holistic health practitioner in New York City for over two decades. Her signature treatments combine ancient wisdom from global traditions with scientific knowledge and deep intuition to treat a wide range of conditions including chronic and acute pain, mental health, women's health, insomnia, digestion, and postural issues, among others. Dr. Auth has studied the healing arts globally from China to India, Peru, Thailand and beyond – becoming steeped in ancient healing practices that have woven the rich tapestry of her healing practices today. She studied at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and is a licensed and NCCAOM certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She has a Master’s in Herbology and is a Board Certified Chinese Herbalist also with extensive training in Vedic and Western herbs. Among her many other accreditations, she is a licensed massage therapist, guild-certified in the Rolf Method of Structural Integration and a Faculty Member of the Swedish Institute, NYC. She founded The Auth Method of Therapeutic Massage and has trained thousands of practitioners on this method. From her work at Deepak Chopra’s Center in Southern California to her own wellness practice in New York City, Shari has attracted celebrity clientele with her signature blend of acupuncture, herbs and bodywork. Learn more about Dr. Shari Auth at https://www.shariauth.com/about Learn more about WTHN at https://wthn.com/ Follow Dr. Auth on social https://www.instagram.com/drshariauth/?hl=en