“It is all about informed consent. I was never informed. I love Mormon stories and all of the contributors. I’m learning so much. At first I was having a nervous breakdown literally learning all of this stuff and realizing I have been in fact, part of a cult. Now that I understand things more through LDS discussions it has been healing to my soul. I no longer believe I need special underwear and handshakes to return to His presence one day. I never felt good about the fact that I wouldn’t be together forever with my family. It just doesn’t make sense to me that God would keep family away from me if I didn’t do genealogy and Temple work for them. I’m so thankful for the freedom that I feel now to live and worship as I see fit. I miss my church family so much but it’s hard for me to be around them knowing they have no clue nor want to know probably. It can be so isolating. I’m so thankful that I feel not alone through watching this community. Thank you.”
Marlee's Momma via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·