Are you limiting yourself? Do you have a voice that whispers in the dark to you that you don't have what it takes? Listen In how to create space with a powerful question that will open up your mind to future success.
Published 09/18/24
Did you grow up seeing your dad express emotions? Or did he not talk about much and stomach what was going on in his life? Which path will you choose with your kids? Be sure to submit a content idea for a future episode here - https://forms.gle/V3QysP6phZCfk8CVA
Published 09/17/24
Dr. Joe Dispenza shares the wisdowm about changing your life in his book - The Placebo Effect. Listen in as I share what he says about life changes and how you can apply it in your life. Submit a content idea here - https://forms.gle/5mMFYWMMF7puPyej7
Published 09/16/24
Habits and routines are passed down generationally. What will you pass down to your kids?
Published 09/13/24
Life will punch us in the gut. There will be battles that will test our resolve. Hear why that's a good thing.
Published 09/12/24
The company you keep is so important. Check out this episode to hear why.
Published 09/11/24
Great line to remember on the daily. Instead of talking about what you're going to do. Like Nike said, Just Do It!
Published 09/10/24
Guy at the gym last week was getting Pull-Up reps in. We spoke, he shared that he was 66 years old. He has the mindset that he's young and he works out everyday.
Published 09/09/24
Powerful episode is you find yourself on the fence. Feel free to submit a content idea for me to expand on here - https://forms.gle/3cPp1NPyTzXDEfAj7
Published 09/06/24
Ever miss the mark when trying to communicate with your kids or wife? Ever take something the wrong way yourself? If so, check out this episode.
Published 09/05/24
Tired of average and good? If so, listen into this episode as I share 6 ways to be uncommon.
Published 09/04/24
Ever feel like your just going through the motions? Like your drifting? If so, check out this episode for the cure to drifting in life.
Published 09/03/24
Time is our most precious resource. Listen in to 3 steps you can implement to get more time as a dad. Take action on these today and watch time open up in your life.
Published 08/30/24
Society has lulled many of us to sleep. In turn, it's made our sons soft. Mediocre, average and good are rampant in society. Check out the truth about raising strong sons.
Published 08/29/24
If we aren't getting enough sleep there is a cost. It impacts us personally but also those around us. Listen to the 5 hidden costs of sleep deprivation.
Published 08/28/24
In this episode, I'll open up about one of my biggest regrets as a young dad. If you have children or are thinking about starting a family, this is a must-watch. Learn from my mistakes and make the most of your time with your young kids! To learn more about The Warrior Dad Experience go to https://www.thewarriordad.com
Published 08/27/24
In this episode, learn why success needs a plan. Discover how creating a plan can help you achieve your goals and leave a lasting legacy for your children. Be sure to subscribe to not miss an episode!
Published 08/26/24
Ever battled a chronic problem? Ever struggle with how to solve it? Be sure to check out this episode to learn how to attack it.
Published 08/23/24
Important episode to consider in your life. At the end of our days, this is all that will matter. Dare to be uncommon.
Published 08/22/24
Ever feel like a fraud? Or be in a room that you didn't know if you belonged in there or not? Check out this quick actionable strategy to get over that imposter syndrome.
Published 08/21/24
Amazing short story of what happened in my house last week with my two boys. Check it out.
Published 08/20/24
Do you set targets that you've already done before? Or that are average or mediocre? Those targets will not inspire you to change. Listen in to why a big north stay is so important.
Published 08/19/24
Do you struggle with time? Are you busy, busy, busy day after day? Listen to this episode to gain valuable time back in your life.
Published 08/16/24
Have you checked to see where your kids are related to you? Are they farther along? Or are they behind? How does that make you feel?
Published 08/15/24
LIfe is a daily battle. It's a battle inside of our own minds. Listen in to how you can help the wolf that will help you win.
Published 08/14/24