“this show is propaganda and lies. Pure child murder justifying fabrication. This tripe is worse than any gaslighting on fox. For example the majority of the youth and the country are against gen o cide. Yet these clowns and traitors want us to hate our own children and fellow Americans by trying to libel them as terrorists for their Aipec masters in the media and govt . What country are you traitors loyal to ? 1 st amendment or you want to have the ADL on again talking about sending in the national guard? You front for Biden like you work for his campaign. Does the truth mean nothing in America anymore ? USA or is ra el? Pick a country to be loyal to MSNBC. Joe is what dunnig kruger and white racist privilege looks like if it is mixed in with obnoxious over self estimation . Rev Al you still report to your handlers as part of your parole deal after jail? Informant much? Mika is the most disgusting. How is that fighting for women’s rights going Mika?, especially when your lies are causing so many women to be murdered in cold blood in Gaza? Guess they’re not human to you ? You are a disgusting privileged hypocrite . This is why no one believes a word from our MSM. Literally don’t believe your lying eyes or ears about a genoc ide and instead listen to the toilet plunger of a man Joe drone on and on with IDF and DNC lie after lie. You’re all such shills it’s pathetic . We will remember every lie and who enabled this genoci de . It’s not just about your money anymore and you are all eventually going to realize you were on the wrong side of history.”
mantis eats via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·