Krista was only 8 years old when her father was brutally murdered in the Hollywood Hills. His case has never been solved and though it‘s never been proven, she has always suspected that her mother and step father were  involved in the crime that took her father away.
Published 11/25/21
Unable to fully open up to his second wife, Greg struggles with the guilt he feels from his inability to save his first wife from severe addiction issues and the difficulty he has opening up his heart to the true intimacy he longs for in his new marriage.    
Published 11/18/21
Ghosted by her best friend turned boyfriend, Kari thought that was the worst pain she would ever feel, until Charles unexpectedly plummeted to his death. Left with many unanswered questions about what they meant to each other, Kari has struggled with how to grieve the loss of one of the most important loves in her life, uncertain if they can remain connected.
Published 11/11/21
In this bonus episode of Moving Beyond we get the opportunity to look at a different side of grief. Erik Jensen was convicted of murder in 1998 after helping his friend Nate cover up the death of Julie, Nate's mom. After being tried as an adult at the age of 16, he was given a life sentence with no possibility of parole. Spending 22 years in prison Erik spent a lot of time reconciling his role in this terrible crime. Erik shares his story of  growth, learning and forgiveness with Claire in...
Published 07/03/20
Korinna’s daughter Alice was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia at 18 months old and after two failed bone marrow transplants she died at the age of 2. Korinna worries that she didn’t do enough to help her daughter and struggles to connect with her husband who is grieving in his own way, making her feel more alone than ever.
Published 06/16/20
When the world unexpectedly went into lockdown due to the Coronavirus, Danielle, who lost her husband a few years ago found her grief resurfacing as she faced parenting truly alone for the first time. Danielle has realized that she doesn't want to be a solo parent for the rest of her life. Can Danielle move beyond what her life once was and seek permission from her love to find a new love?
Published 06/09/20
Ann struggled with the choices her son made as a young adult, but she never gave up on his ability to turn his life around. His life was taken before he was given that chance. Ann struggles to grieve after the murder of her son and the life he was never able to have.
Published 06/02/20
Emma’s mom passed when she was 16 years old and her father spun out, using drugs to excess. As an adult, she removed herself from her father’s life and flourished on her own. All of her grief resurfaced with her fathers recent passing. Emma battles with the overwhelm of her combined losses that caused her anxiety, depression and trouble in her current relationship.
Published 05/26/20
Lena has found therapists and mediums futile following her soulmate's tragic passing. She simply cannot fathom moving on when their same-sex partnership was better than any relationship Lena had ever dreamed of having.
Published 05/19/20
In this episode of Moving Beyond we revisit three of our guests to see if a session with a grief therapist and a psychic medium had an impact on their life. We reconnected with Shannon, Billy, and Carrie to discover if they’ve been able to move beyond their grief in a new way.
Published 05/12/20
After two significant losses in his life, Billy suppressed his emotions and never fully processed the death of his father and sister. He’s afraid that releasing the emotions now will be too overwhelming and all encompassing. If he doesn’t process the grief and begin expressing his emotions, he may lose important relationships in his life.
Published 05/05/20
Losing her Mother at the age of 14, Carrie's father stepped into the role of both Mother and Father. After her Father passes away in 2017, Carrie struggles to reconcile her feeling that she grew up without a female role model and the impact that it has had on her life.
Published 04/28/20
Still reeling from the loss of her father, mother and younger brother, Shannon is in desperate need of a way to cope with her grief. She’s struggling to conceive and is looking to find renewed hope.
Published 04/21/20
Jamie grapples to find peace with her verbally abusive husband after he commits suicide. His death leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about herself and their relationship. 
Published 04/14/20
Celebrity Medium Fleur and renowned Grief Therapist Claire Bidwell Smith dive into how they met, the inspiration behind Moving Beyond, and what listeners can expect in the upcoming episodes.
Published 04/03/20
In today’s episode, Celebrity Psychic Medium Fleur and Grief Therapist Claire Bidwell Smith sit down with Samantha, a woman who tragically lost her 28-year-old sister to rapidly-spreading, advanced adrenal cancer. Without much time to prepare for the loss and handed her sisters two children after the passing, Samantha finds herself searching for answers, reassurance, and comfort.
Published 04/01/20