What is the most powerful force in your life? What keeps you going when you have nothing left? Revenge? Intelligence? Wit? Love? Who are you when everything is taken away? These are excellent questions, and what's the most Farscape way to explore them? Cartoon Episode! Guest:MandyCreator: Mainely Mandyhttps://www.youtube.com/@MainelyMandyhttps://www.patreon.com/mainelymandyhttps://www.instagram.com/mainelymandyhttps://bsky.app/profile/mainelymandy.bsky.socialOur vital info:Sara Ezzat (sh...
Starting season 4 off with a blast or 3. We have a new Leviathan, a new bratty alien, some Klingons, and one very special DRD. Mainely Mandy joins Josh and Sara to get this party started. Guest:MandyCreator: Mainely...
We find ourselves at the end of another season and so as is tradition here at MS&T we're going to have a bit of a chat about the season as a wholePodcast...