In this thrilling episode, our crew gathers at The Circuit Breaker, a club where interstellar cultures collide, illuminated by neon lights. As Sylvie Moontongue's voice fills the air, tensions rise with the discovery of Project Echelon's true nature. The team learns that ancient tablets could...
Published 04/14/24
Dive back into the cosmic chaos with Episode 3 of "Murder in the Milky Way," where detective Alex Rennick, a dash of dry humor his constant companion, finds himself adrift in more ways than one. After a daring escape from the Starline's data vault with critical information, Alex, alongside his...
Published 03/18/24
In this thrilling episode of "Murder in the Milky Way," Alex and Jax take daring steps to unravel the mystery behind the Cyber Monks and the Mars Colony Relic. Their quest leads them into the heart of ship security, where they face the stern Chief Reeves and navigate the complexities of a world...
Published 03/04/24