David Chase, the main creative force behind The Sopranos, directed just two episodes of the acclaimed series himself: the pilot and the finale. Airing on HBO on January 10, 1999, the first episode introduced James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano, the New Jersey mobster, family man, and self-proclaimed "waste management consultant." The final episode, "Made in America" aired eight years later, on June 10, 2007, with a stunning and widely discussed ending. Chase spoke at the Museum in a conversation with Chief Curator David Schwartz, and fielded questions about the ending, and other topics, after a screening of the episodes at the Museum.
Om Puri, the prolific and internationally renowned actor known for such films as Ardh Satya, East Is East, My Son the Fanatic, Mirch Masala, and AK 47, was the focus of a special tribute program at Museum of the Moving Image prior to a preview screening of The Hundred-Foot Journey, in which he...
Published 08/03/14
In Calvary, a masterfully made, darkly comic film that is bound to be one of the most talked-about movies of the year, the great actor Brendan Gleeson plays an Irish priest who is marked for death by a parishioner and given one week to live. Writer/director John Michael Donagh, who has crafted a...
Published 07/27/14