This podcast explores what it feels like to belong in two places, and nowhere at the same time. Hear from Arab-Australian migrants on how they’re dealing with the complexities of a mixed identity. - سلسلة حلقات تسلط الضوء على التحديات التي يواجهها المهاجرون العرب وابناؤهم بسبب هويتهم المختلطة في أستراليا مثل القناعات الدينية، التمييز العنصري، العنف المنزلي وغيرها من النقاشات الحساسة من خلال قصص واقعية من قلب الجالية.
يحكي الصحفي فريد فريد عن الأسباب التي دفعته الى القيام بهجرة معاكسة من أستراليا الى مصر.
Published 11/23/22
In this episode of the 'My Arab Identity' podcast, Jeanine Hourani shares her family's story of asylum in Australia, which she says happened by chance, after living the first years of her life stateless. We learn about the challenges she faced as a refugee, which prompted her to conceal her...
Published 04/07/21
In this episode of the 'My Arab Identity' podcast, Jeanine Hourani shares her family's story of asylum in Australia, which she says happened by chance, after living the first years of her life stateless. We learn about the challenges she faced as a refugee, which prompted her to conceal her...
Published 04/07/21