Ruby Hamad refused to reveal her Arabic identity and her ability to speak the language outside of her home. It broke her father's heart. She explains how some second-generation Arab-Australians are “avoiding racism” and attempting to fit in, from a young age. - روبي حمد كانت ترفض الكشف عن هويتها العربية ومقدرتها على تحدث اللغة خارج المنزل، وهذا كما وصفته كسر قلب والدها ثلاث مرات وربما أكثر. واليوم تحكي لنا عن تجربة مشتركة بينها وبين الجيل الثاني من الشباب العربي الأسترالي، وكيف يحاولون منذ الصغر الاندماج في المجتمع الأوسع بشتى السبل المتاحة للشعور بالقبول وتفادي العنصرية.
يحكي الصحفي فريد فريد عن الأسباب التي دفعته الى القيام بهجرة معاكسة من أستراليا الى مصر.
Published 11/23/22
In this episode of the 'My Arab Identity' podcast, Jeanine Hourani shares her family's story of asylum in Australia, which she says happened by chance, after living the first years of her life stateless. We learn about the challenges she faced as a refugee, which prompted her to conceal her...
Published 04/07/21
In this episode of the 'My Arab Identity' podcast, Jeanine Hourani shares her family's story of asylum in Australia, which she says happened by chance, after living the first years of her life stateless. We learn about the challenges she faced as a refugee, which prompted her to conceal her...
Published 04/07/21