I love listening to the podcasts when they come out and they really give and insight to van life. I am hoping one day I get to explore the world in a van! Sydney and her podcast has really inspired me to go after my dream!
ByMadeleineK via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/04/20
More reviews of My Solo Road
I’ve been following Sydney on Instagram for several months now, but I only just recently tuned into the podcast. I’ve been hooked since! I’m a college student who has no dreams of living life on the road, but I love that Sydney discusses things that apply to everyone, such as the importance of...Read full review »
Emilysuhr via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/16/20
Love your IG feed and this podcast!
yooperforlife via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/08/19
I just love listening to this podcast. It’s my first one that I haven’t got tired of or skipped episodes. Really entertaining, informative and honestly I wish I lived in the USA and could travel state to state. It gives me a new outlook on life and have been giving thought into going it alone...Read full review »
Whatevernameicanthinkof via Apple Podcasts · New Zealand · 02/18/20
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