Are You Paying Attention? Higher Self Habits, Intuitive Relations, and Plant Medicine Healing with Lecia Fox
Are You Paying Attention? Higher Self Habits, Intuitive Relations, and Plant Medicine Healing with Lecia Fox
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Are you paying attention?
How do you allow pain and energy to move through you when a deep relationship in your life comes to an end? What does it feel like to live a life in dedication to your excitement, self-love, and ultimate creative journey? Are you paying attention to the universal signs that are trying to guide you to your highest self?
A few years ago I was introduced to Lecia Fox via a mutual friend. Lecia is a Light Worker, Activator, and HigherSelf Life Coach. In simple terms, she’s packed full of wisdom. We planned on recording a podcast episode, but the Universe intervened a few times and it never worked out. Fast forward to today and it all makes sense.
Lecia and I both look for signs from the Universe to help guide us in our business, spiritual, and awareness journeys. Over the past few months, we started having so many synchronicities that it became crystal clear that it was time to connect. She is one of my favorite’s to tune into because her authenticity glows, and the way that she teaches is of the highest form of mastery.
In this episode, Lecia and I freely explore the collision of our journeys, the magic universal wand always at play to guide you, Pythagorean numerology, the process of transitioning through deep relationships, plant medicine healing journeys, higher self habits, the intimacy of intuition, self-forgiveness, unconditional love and more.
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