This time out, we travel back five years to see the first meeting between Superman and Batman, and between our main Earth and Earth 2! Multiversal shenanigans abound, and I even hatch a crackpot theory about the still untold Death of Superman. Batman/Superman Volume 1: Cross World includes Batman/Superman 1-4 and Justice League 23.1: Darksied.
Published 07/24/15
So this is big episode 52, and to celebrate this momentous occasion, I am taking a break from my usual coverage to take a look back at the New 52 as a phenomenon. You may think I hardly need a break cuz I’ve been so long without episodes, but this is the second of two … Continue reading "52 New 52 Lookback Panel Discussion"
Published 07/17/15
It’s been a year, but here is a new episode about New 52 Superman that, well, doesn’t have a lot of Superman. I started this back in the day and wanted to finish it before putting out new episodes. So here’s your chance to learn all about Earth 2 and its history both in the … Continue reading "51 Battle Cry"
Published 07/10/15
This time out, I am joined by my good friend and fellow podcaster extraordinaire, Mr. Michael Bailey. You may know him from … the Internet. Together, Michael and I dive into and explore the entirety of the Trinity War storyline as collected recently in hardcover. No emails this time out, and no solicits. Both will … Continue reading "50 Trinity War"
Published 06/22/14
In the latest episode, I take a look at the three Justice League issues that led into Trinity War, as they were published in Justice League Volume 4: The Grid. Then it’s off to the August 2014 solicitations to see what DC has in store for us down the road!
Published 05/23/14
Covering the material from Supergirl Volume 3: Sanctuary that hasn’t been covered on previous episodes, plus discussion of the solicited comics for July 2014!
Published 04/23/14
Covering the material from Superboy Volume 3: Lost that we haven’t covered on previous episodes.
Published 03/21/14
We’re back!!! Or at least, I’m back. Doing a few solo episodes with a new format. Very curious to see what you think, so be sure to drop a line. This time out, I’m taking a look at Worlds’ Finest Volume 2: Hunt and Be Hunted, which hit in November. Most of the included issues … Continue reading "46 Hunt and Be Hunted"
Published 01/12/14
Jon and Dave are back to celebrate two years since the show started. And this time out, we’re talking Man of Steel. But not just talking about it, we’re watching it AND talking about it. That’s right: movie commentary, baby! So slap in your Bluray Disc or DVD and get ready to hear everything we … Continue reading "Second Anniversary — Man of Steel commentary"
Published 12/25/13
Well, folks, here we are.  The final episode of the show, at least for the foreseeable future.  In this episode, Jon and Dave go through the extensive mailbag, bawl out the writer of a dumb review, and go through all the nooks and crannies of Action Comics 18.  We also take time to look back … Continue reading "45 The grand finale"
Published 06/24/13
Charlie joins us one last time for this penultimate episode of The New 52 Adventures of Superman, as we take a look at Superman17, the epic conclusion to the landmark Superbooks crossover H’el on Earth!  At least, that’s what we wish it were.  Turns out, it’s not so epic and barely a conclusion, but we’ll talk more … Continue reading "44 H’el on Earth conclusion (for reals this time) and emails"
Published 04/03/13
Jon and Dave are back to finish out their coverage of H’el on Earth with the help of Charlie Niemeyer.  The problem is, it was so late after covering Superboy 17 and Supergirl 17 that we had to go to bed, so Superman 17’s coverage will be here with emails next time.  So come give a … Continue reading "43 H’el on Earth conclusion (just kidding)"
Published 03/27/13
The countdown to the finale is underway as Jon and Dave bring you their transantepenultimate episode, featuring our final trip around the DCU, looking at every appearance of Superman outside his own titles.  We begin with discussion of the new Sueprman titles coming in June and then dive into Action Comics 17.  After that, a … Continue reading "42 Action Comics 17"
Published 03/20/13
Published 02/27/13
Here we are once again, this time looking at the antepenultimate chapter of Grant Morrison’s Action Comics saga in Action Comics 16.  Then we take some time with the third and fourth chapters of “Throne of Atlantis” in Justice League 16 and Aquaman 16. Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, … Continue reading "40 Action Comics 16"
Published 02/22/13
The back half of H’el on Earth has begun, and we’re here to look at the January chapters of the story as we build toward the big finale at the end of February.  The stories discussed in this episode are as follows: Superboy 16 — “Triggers!” Supergirl 16 — “Fast & Faster” Superboy Annual 1 … Continue reading "39 H’el on Earth III"
Published 02/16/13
Jon and Dave take another week to kick back with the Metropolis Mailbag, reading through the mighty mountain of missives we’ve received from you, our precocious public.  So take a load off and come give a listen! Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being Jon M. Wilson from Golden Age … Continue reading "38 Emails"
Published 01/31/13
The first major New 52 Superman crossover continues, and Jon, Dave, and our friend Charlie are back to talk about what was good, what was bad, and what made us go, “Hmmmm!”  Here are the stories up for review: Superboy 15 — “Shattered Steel!” — Superboy’s dying, and only Superman’s armor can save him, but … Continue reading "37 H’el on Earth II"
Published 01/25/13
2013 is here, folks!  And for our first episode, we are looking at the final month of books from 2012.  This week, we’ll cover Action Comics 15 as well as all the peripheral goings-on in the worlds of the Superfolks.  This includes the usual team books of Worlds’ Finest 7 and Justice League 15 (along … Continue reading "36 Action Comics 15"
Published 01/16/13
Well, it’s been a year, and quite a year at that!  Jon and Dave are here to commemorate the end of our first twelve months of Superman podcasting by kicking back with the movie that was the start of fandom for so many of us, and we are joined by our long lost third chair, … Continue reading "First Anniversary Special"
Published 01/01/13
After spending so much time the last two episodes discussing the adventures of our favorite Super Friends, Jon and Dave decide to kick back with the Metropolis Mailbag and see what you the listener have to say.  So I hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for listening. We do hope you enjoy the show, “we” being … Continue reading "35 Emails"
Published 12/26/12
Here it is, Superfans!  The first major crossover of the Superman titles in DC Comics — The New 52!  And Jon and Dave are given the assist in their coverage by none other than Charlie Niemeyer (of Superman in the Bronze Age and Charlie’s Geekcast).  The stories reviewed are as follows: Superboy 14 — “The … Continue reading "34 H’el on Earth I"
Published 12/19/12
Welcome to a new era in The New 52 Adventures of Superman!  With the major crossover happening in the main titles, “H’el on Earth,” we’re rearranging our format to give it due space.  That means we’ll be covering all of this month’s H’el material next time, and EVERYTHING else in this episode right here.  Everything … Continue reading "33 Action Comics 14"
Published 12/12/12
Having reviewed, analyzed, wept, and stressed our way through over a year of Superman comics, Jon and Dave take an episode to look back at the road we’ve traveled to this point.  With comic stories being told over multiple months, the monthly reading experience often differs to reading larger runs at a go.   Beginning … Continue reading "Lookback special"
Published 12/05/12
Another landmark of The New 52 has arrived as Scott Lobdell takes full reins on the present-day adventures of the Man of Steel inSuperman.  The road to “H’el on Earth” has been paved, and Jon and Dave have reviews and analyses as the Last Family of Krypton is swept forward in the following stories. Supergirl 13 … Continue reading "32 Supergirl Superman 13 Action Comics Annual 1"
Published 11/28/12