Just over a year ago, we delved into a groundbreaking initiative by a foundation in Vancouver. Their question was: What if we gave people experiencing homelessness a lump sum of cash, no strings attached? The results were nothing short of remarkable — though they probably shouldn’t be surprising. Now, two years after that experiment ended, the idea is spreading to cities across the United States. So let’s revisit that initial episode — when we asked, what really happens when you give money to people experiencing homelessness?
In this special episode, Next City’s editorial leaders share what they’re hearing from readers and listeners about resisting setbacks at the federal level and driving changes locally.
The days following the U.S. presidential have been defined by an overwhelming sense of uncertainty, despair and...
Published 11/20/24
We’re off this week for Veterans Day, but we’ll be back next Wednesday with more inspiring and workable ideas that move our society toward justice and equity.
If you can’t wait for the next story, head to for the latest coverage.
As always, we’d love to hear any feedback from our...
Published 11/13/24