When Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje of Kano State signed a law that divided the then-Kano Emirate into five, he might not have anticipated that years later it would shake the ancient traditional institution to its foundation. And when Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf signed a new law that repealed that law, little did he know that it would force him to practically relocate to the palace to protect what he did.Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily as we try to unravel the controversy that...
Published 05/27/24
The people of Kano and other Nigerians are wondering what might become of the Kano Emirate after the events that led to reinstatement of Muhammadu Sanusi II. Nigeria Daily dives deep under the radar to discover what might happen next.
Published 05/24/24
Nigeria is at a critical juncture, with citizens yearning for trustworthy leadership and transparent governance. In this context, the actions and motivations of our political leaders come under intense scrutiny. Peter Obi of the Labour Party and Atiku Abubakar of the People's Democratic Party have both positioned themselves as alternatives to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). However, their desperation for power raises significant concerns about their reliability and intentions...
Published 05/23/24
The Nigerian military commanded an aura of fear, respect, and authority – soldiers were synonymous with discipline, order, and national pride.However, over the years, this perception has shifted significantly – the respect once accorded to the military seems to be waning. What has changed? Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily as we explore the factors contributing to the erosion of respect for the Nigerian military.
Published 05/22/24
On today’s episode of Nigeria Daily, we will be exploring the causes of inflation, how it's measured, and the profound impact it has on one’s purchasing power, savings, and daily expenses. Join us to learn how inflation shapes our economy and what you can do to protect your financial well-being.
Published 05/21/24
One of the worst nightmares for any parent is seeing their child in danger and feeling helpless.For many, the sight of their child having a convulsion can be one of the most terrifying experiences. Most parents have no prior knowledge of what to do in this situation. Join us on today’s episode of Nigeria Daily to find out the causes, effect, and the first step a mother should take to assist a child having a convulsion.
Published 05/20/24
Despite the fact that the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, FCCPC, had pledged to take action on how some loan apps defame customers' characters, the issue still persist.Has the commission failed to begin the execution of its plan of going after those who are found wanting?Join us on today’s episode of the podcast to find out.
Published 05/17/24
To boost productivity and incentivize hard work, the Federal Government is considering a major overhaul of the current wage system. Instead of the traditional fixed wages, workers would be compensated based on their productivity levels. But what does this mean for workers across various sectors? How will it impact workers nationwide?Join us in this episode of Nigeria Daily to find out.
Published 05/16/24
Today, the 15th day of May, the first set of intending pilgrims from Nigeria are being airlifted to the Holy Land for the 2024 Hajj. Despite economic pressures and the substantial costs involved, at least 65,000 Nigerians are expected to participate in this year’s exercise. What preparations have been made by the authorities and the pilgrims to ensure a smooth and fulfilling Hajj experience? Join us on today’s episode of Nigeria Daily to learn more.
Published 05/15/24
In Abuja, whether you're an old-timer or a newcomer, one of the first things that will sake you up is the rent you’re required to pay when you need a house. But that’s just the beginning of the story as, more than likely you will be confronted with a raise in the rent every year.What's driving this trend, and what do residents do about it, especially in the face of the current economic reality? Join us in this episode of the Nigeria Daily as we dive into the pressing issues affecting Nig...
Published 05/14/24
As insecurity continues to plague Zamfara, the State and Federal Governments bicker over strategies to adopt to end the crises. Accusing the Federal Government of recently trying to negotiate with bandits, the Zamfara Government washes its hands of every attempt to negotiate, saying it is a waste of time.Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily as we look into the complexities of this controversy and its implications for the state's security.
Published 05/13/24
The results of the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) released by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) have been described as the best in the past three years. What makes them so?We speak to one of the best-performing candidates to find out what made her stand out.
Published 05/10/24
The Kano State Government argues that the introduction of a law that mandates pre-marital health screenings for couples intending to tie the knot is aimed at prioritizing the health of its citizens. Failure to comply with this new law can result in up to five years imprisonment. However, some of the citizens do not see the logic and have been kicking against the move.Join us to find out why.
Published 05/09/24
In a significant move to bolster national cybersecurity, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has issued a directive to all banks and financial institutions to implement a cybersecurity levy on banking transactions.This new levy, set at 0.5% of the value of electronic transactions was in response to the escalating concerns over cyber threats and follows the guidelines of the recently amended Cybercrime (Prevention and Prohibition) Act.Join us on today's episode of the podcast to find out more.
Published 05/08/24
The proliferation of unregistered taxi drivers has been a cause for concern for both authorities and commuters in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).Have you ever imagined falling victim to a one-chance operation—a nightmare scenario where passengers are robbed, assaulted, or even worse? Join us on today’s episode of Nigeria Daily to find out how, as a passenger, you can stay safe in Abuja.
Published 05/07/24
Nigeria’s health sector was shaken by reports from Adamawa State that say at least 42 people lost their lives to measles in two local government areas.Measles is caused by a highly contagious, airborne, virus that mostly affects children under five. Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily to find out how to protect yourself from catching the deadly virus.
Published 05/06/24
The frequent hacking of social media accounts is troubling to users, with hackers devising new means of doing so every single day.What can users do to protect their accounts from being hacked?Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily to find out.
Published 05/03/24
The appearance of screenshots of what seems to be the bank alert of some civil servants' salaries in Borno State has continued to generate heated debates in Nigeria.The screenshots appeared to show that the civil servants in question were receiving less than N10,000 as salaries.How true are these claims?Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily to find out.
Published 05/02/24
As they celebrate May Day, many Nigerian workers are expecting a specific announcement.Will they hear what they expect?In this episode of Nigeria Daily, we ask the workers what they want and get the authorities to tell us what they should expect.
Published 05/01/24
Fuel scarcity appears to be worsening, leaving Nigerians spending hours queuing at fuel stations and many stranded. For how much longer will they continue to endure this pain? Join us on this episode of the podcast to find out.
Published 04/30/24
Amidst controversy surrounding their recent visit to the United States to discuss regional insecurity, some Northern Nigerian governors have defended their trip. While critics argue that the trip is a monumental waste, the governors maintain that their participation underscores their dedication to addressing the pressing security challenges facing their states and finding lasting solutions to them.Nigeria Daily tries to analyse both sides of the equation to enable stakeholders make sense out ...
Published 04/29/24
It appears that many Nigerians are not aware that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has approved the take-off of a new scheme that seeks to empower citizens. The Consumer Credit Scheme, according to a statement from the Presidency, will enable Nigerians to enhance the quality of their lives by accessing goods and services upfront, paying responsibly over time.But what do the people think, and how will it impact the financial landscape? Join us in today's episode of Nigeria Daily for more insight.
Published 04/26/24
Borehole drilling is a common solution for water security in many communities in Nigeria. However, worries over the impact of drilling on the environment have been raised by the experts. Join us on today's episode of Nigeria Daily to know the why and how of this urgent problem, as well as viable solutions.
Published 04/24/24
Experts have highlighted ways in which our communities can address the issue of bullying among school children. In today's episode of Nigeria Daily, we delve into their insights, exploring effective strategies for prevention and intervention.As a parent, it is necessary to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to create safer environments for your children.
Published 04/24/24
The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) says that if safety precautions are not taken, Nigerians in Abuja, Kano, and many other northern states are likely to suffer heat strokes due to the scorching heat waves.Heat stroke, also known as sunstroke, is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body is unable to control its temperature.According to the meteorological agency, in the month of April, residents of these states might suffer extreme heat, which would make them prone to heat...
Published 04/23/24