#episode15: Are you a narcissist or are you victim of narcissists?In this episode I approach this delicate topic, that is the cause of a lot of sufferance and pain, from the empowering perspective of the self-responsibility principle, not only from the healing approach.Both of the archetypes come indeed from the same source: emotional neglect and low self esteem.And both of them need some internal work and self responsibility to quit the toxic circle of keep not loving themselves.So if you feel called by one or the other category and you are willing to stop being a narcissist or victim of narcissists, this episode is for you.
Il più difficile e più importante step per il percorso di healing e crescita personale di chiunque.Per ogni tipo di cambiamento che hai intenzione di realizzare, dovrai impostare un nuovo confine.Per ogni nuova versione di Te stesso che vorrai incorporare, dovrai impostare un nuovo confine.Nel...
Published 10/11/24
Most important and most difficult step for everyone's healing and personal development.For any type of change you are willing to make, you will have to set up a new boundary.For any new version of yourself you are going to embody, you will have to set up a new boundary.In my own path I have been...
Published 10/11/24