British-Indian actor Dev Patel makes his directorial debut in the action thriller Monkey Man. Patel, who is best known for films such as Hotel Mumbai, The Green Knight, Lion, and the multiple-Oscar winner Slumdog Millionaire, plays the lead in this film, which is being described by some as “John Wick in Mumbai”. The film garnered praise from critics when it premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival, and some even went on to say that it is an ambitious action film with the perfect blend of socio-political commentary. Sharlto Copley, Pitobash Tripathy, Vipin Sharma, Sikandar Kher, Adithi Kalkunte, Sobhita Dhulipala, and Zakir Hussain among others play important supporting roles in Monkey Man. We have curated six lesser-known facts about Monkey Man for today's Now You Know podcast.