“I’ve been listening to this podcast since it’s release. Given the most recent episode update provided in November 2021, I find it really unlikely the foster mother is responsible. We don’t know the details of the AVO and assault charges, she had bruises but the public have been served no evidence of it being the step parents. Innocent until proven in my eyes. Look at the fingers that were pointed at Cleo Smiths parents - also dragged through the mud.
I have a 3 year old and 3 and 4 year olds will not be able to hold a made up story. The sisters story aligns with what was given by the step mother and step grandmother. I believe their story.
If he fell from the balcony they had a really short window of time (approx 90 mins) to travel elsewhere and back to dig a 6ft grave and be back to be knocking at neighbours doors. I really believe he was abducted by some creep. It makes me so sad to think about this case.
I have a child the same age and it’s just unimaginable. I guess anything can happen at this point but I would be really shocked if it was the foster family with such a short time frame to dispose of him. I really think she would have called the ambulance if there was an accident as there is a chance he could be resuscitated and that would be the priority over losing custody of the sister.
Keep up the good journalism.”
Caysey Dilla via Apple Podcasts ·
Australia ·