See above Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School, Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School Odessa PERIMAN was the High School portrayed on the series Friday Night Lights. Not Odessa High School
Reviewer_2012-1 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/11/22
More reviews of Odessa
I’m hooked, but after two Fridays it seems to be on pause. Where are the last two episodes?
horse501 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/01/21
Maybe they are coming but at this pace the topic might not be relevant.
hostthemost via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/02/21
As a teacher who has worked face to face since august, I felt that this missed a lot of the struggles and secrecy going Olin in schools. I was really excited after episide1, but felt it fizzled out a bit and was left very unresolved. I think more episodes would have been helpful to get a clearer...Read full review »
Penna. Teacher via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/07/21
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