March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness month. A month to highlight the importance of including people with developmental disabilities in all areas of community life. A policy change at the state level, senate bill 1606, guarantees Oregonians with disabilities access to people they trust to provide supports when they are in the hospital.
Guests include:
Kurt Freeman
Director, Institute on Development and Disability, School of Medicine
Gabreille Guedon
Advocacy Coordinator, Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition
Emily Cooper
Legal Director, Disability Rights of Oregon
In this second installment, Marie Chisholm-Burns, provost and executive vice president, and Ariana Sattler, all-hill student council president and Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Sciences, speak to Kelsey Huwaldt about what inspires them, our purpose and our future.
Guests include:
Published 05/26/23
Marie Chisholm-Burns, provost and executive vice president, and Ariana Sattler, all-hill student council president and Ph.D. candidate in Biomedical Sciences, speak to Kelsey Huwaldt about their journeys. Listen in to hear their advice to incoming students and what influenced them to come to...
Published 05/11/23