Ep. 106: An OokTown Sandwich
Guest: Victoria Vox
Hosts: Stuart Yoshida, Doug Brown
Like the arrival of Spring, we welcome back long-time friend of the show Victoria Vox, who brings us soooo songs that she performs live from her upcoming new album, as we get to hear her loop her way through Nirvana in REM, talk about how art inspired her to write new songs, and catch up on all her ukulele happenings.
- Victoria Vox: https://www.victoriavox.com/
- The last time VV was on the Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-100-5-chased-by-cows/id436722774?i=1000523194784
- Camo app: https://reincubate.com/camo/
- Apollo 8: https://www.uaudio.com/apollo-rack-plug-ins-promo?gclid=CjwKCAjwloCSBhAeEiwA3hVo_dp41Cy5F9bD3cIokRDAFQRrtb9zv5_3uJS3v0YiZnRav5SfekYnoBoCsgYQAvD_BwE
- To order your Nirvan in REM: https://www.victoriavox.com/boutique-musique
- Fred Stonehouse: https://fredstonehouseart.com/
- Looking to study art?: https://art.wisc.edu/
- Lying - Sissela Bok: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/15606/lying-by-sissela-bok/
- Legally Taylor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-A_RrOeoWw&ab_channel=LegalEagle
- Tour Dates for VIctoria: https://victoriavox.com/shows
- Grandma’s House is where the Denver Ukefest Kick off open mic is located: https://www.grandmasbeer.co/
- Camp Vox: https://victoriavox.com/camp-vox
- Robischon Gallery: https://www.robischongallery.com/artist/FRED_STONEHOUSE/works/7156
- Denver Uke Fest: https://swallowhillmusic.org/ukefest/
- Doug’s Woodburning: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10227917301225679&set=a.1066248304210
- Sweetest Melodies - Victoria Vox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6KXmChJefA&ab_channel=VictoriaVox
- Romero Creations Tiny Tenor: https://www.romerocreations.com/tiny-tenor
- Looking back at the 2019 Czech Ukulele Festival: https://goout.net/en/czech-ukulele-festival-2019/szsqptl/
- Motu ukuleles: https://www.ukulele-motu.fr
Guests: Mary Agnes, Robin
Hosts: Stuart Yoshida, Doug Brown
Well, the heat goes on, as we live through the hottest summer on record, and we can’t get enough of GNUF. So in this episode we invited back Mary Agnes, one of the founders of the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival, and Robin, long-time...
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Guests: Bernadette, Matt Stead, Phil Doleman, Peter Luongo, Boris Mogievski, Elisabeth Pfeiffer, Marc Gallagher, The Mayor of Dorkshire, Uke Dad
Host: Doug Brown
From far across the Pond, we bring you this special edition of the OokTown Podcast recorded at the Grand Northern Ukulele Festival in...
Published 06/17/23
Guests: David Blake
Hosts: Stuart Yoshida
- The Kanakapila Project website https://www.kanikapilaproject.org/
- Tickets for Live Concert and Dinner for Kapi’olani Medical Center on 4/30 in Oahu (with Jake Shimabukuro, Kimmo Hussey, Zanuck Lindsey and Roy Sakuma):...
Published 03/05/23