The Plight and Peril of the Prosperity Message - The Message And The Messenger Inspirational, Faith Filled Drama
#properity #prosperitymessage #peril #message #drama #christianmotivation #motivation #love #faithjourney #thechurchofjesuschrist #church #messageandthemessenger #movie #sowing #seed #harvest #greed #prosperitypreacher #pastor #preacher #tithe #tithesandofferings #sowingseeds #business
Friday 22nd, November 2024
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The Plight and Peril of the Prosperity Message - The Message And The Messenger Inspirational, Faith Filled Drama
This drama will change your life! This drama will help check your heart to discern if you are in church to seek God's hands or seek His face.
Are you seeking gifts from GOD or seeking the heart of GOD? The drama also speaks to the prosperity preachers to preach a balanced message. The need to empower people for exploits in the real world. Is church a business or a non-profit? Where does the tithe paying ends? What place does the seed faith and sowing end?
Too much zeal without balanced biblical knowledge is risky!
Fasten your seatbelt for a guaranteed rough ride!
Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
God's Eagle Ministries ( GEM)
prosperity, prosperity message, peril, message, drama, christian motivation, motivation, love, faith journey, the church of jesus christ, church, message and the messenger, movie, sowing, sowing seeds, seed, harvest, greed, prosperity preacher, pastor, preacher, tithe , tithes and offering
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